Page 20 of The Pursuit

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“He’s not a stranger,” I protested at the same time Noah said, “We’ve actually known each other since we were kids.”

Rolling his eyes, Dad replied, “Like that really makes a fucking difference.”

Mom shook her head. “Gabriella is a grown woman. Last time I checked, grown women could make out in elevators if the mood struck them.”

“That’s bullshit.”

She turned away from Dad to give her attention to me. For the first time, I noticed she had my evening bag in her hand. After handing it to me, she pushed my hair out of my face, and then placed her hands on my shoulders. A concerned expression came over her face. “Are you okay?” I knewher question was directed not at being found making out with Noah, but about my claustrophobia.

I nodded. “It was pretty bad at first. Thankfully, Noah found a way to distract me.”

Dad grunted. “Is that what you call screwing around on an elevator floor? A distraction?”

Gritting my teeth, I replied, “Seriously, Dad, would you lighten up?”

Before Dad could reply, Mom said, “I’m just grateful you’re all right.” Mom glanced between me and Noah. “That you’rebothall right.”

Dad crossed his arms over his chest. “He won’t be all right for long if he ever mauls my daughter like that again.”

When Noah paled slightly, I stepped between him and Dad. “That’s enough.”

After glancing between Noah and me, Dad pronounced, “I need a drink.”

“Then let’s get you one.” Mom then gave me a reassuring smile. “Text me when you get settled in your room. We’ll probably be heading home soon.”

“Okay. Thanks, Mom.” The one good thing about staying in the hotel tonight was that I wouldn’t have to ride home with my pissed-off papi.

Taking Dad by the hand, she led him back toward the ballroom. Once he was out of sight, I sighed in relief. My attention then turned to Aidan leaning against the wall next to the elevator. “Don’t tell me you’re going to go off on us now?”

He grinned. “Actually, I stayed just to make sure Noah didn’t need any protection.”

While I returned his smile, Noah puffed out his chest. “I’m pretty sure I could’ve taken him.”

“I still wanted to make sure you both were okay.”

“You’re not mortified by our brazen behavior?” I asked.

Aidan laughed. “I’m not such an old fart that I have forgotten what it’s like to be young.”

“I wish my dad could remember.”

Noah snorted. “Don’t let him fool you, Gaby. If that had been Caroline with some random dude, he’d be losing his shit right now.”

“Is that right?” I asked Aidan.

With a sheepish grin, he replied, “Yeah. There’s just something about a daughter that makes a dad crazy. I only have one to lose my mind over—your dad has two.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

“Trust me, it doesn’t matter how old you are, you’ll always be our little girls.” He patted my shoulder. “So go easy on him.”

“I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try.”

Nodding, Aidan said, “I’ll leave you two.”

Once we were finally alone, I buried my head in my hands. “I cannot believe that just happened.”

With a laugh, Noah replied, “Who would’ve thought the elevator working would’ve been a cock blocker?”
