Page 21 of The Pursuit

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Peeking through my fingers at him, I groaned. “What are the odds that everyone at the party has heard about us?”

“Hmm, probably 95%.”

“This is a nightmare.”

“I wouldn’t say it was all bad.” He pulled my hands away from my face. “There were some really good parts.”

“Like when you almost came in your pants on the floor of an elevator?”

Noah barked a laugh. “Um, no, I was thinking more about getting to know you better.”

Okay, I wasn’t exactly expecting that. Maybe there really was more than meets the eye with Noah Fitzgerald, after all. “Yeah, that was a good thing.”

He reached out to rub his thumb over my bottom lip. “Kissing you for real was pretty epic too.”

And that statement caused my heart to flutter. “I would have to agree.”

“I’m going to take a wild guess that you don’t want to go back to the party.”

“No. I think I’m partied out.”

“Can I walk you to your room?”

Tilting my head at him, I replied, “Before I say yes, I should tell you that Bella and I are sharing a room, so there’s no way anything else is going to happen between us tonight.”

Leaning closer to me, his breath fanned against my cheek. “You don’t think we could manage a quickie before she came up?”

“Ew, no,” I replied, shoving him back. I wasn’t too surprised to hear his laughter.

“Just messing with you.”

I grinned up at him. “You better be.”

“Come on. Let’s get you upstairs.”

When we turned back to the elevator, we both froze. I motioned to the bank of elevators across from us. “On second thought, let’s take one of those.”

“Works for me.”

Chapter Six: Gaby

After all the previous night’s escapades, I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow. It felt like I’d barely been in bed before the alarm blared in my ear. With a groan, I reached over for my phone and debated hitting the snooze button. But then I realized there was way too much to get done before the wedding.

Once I was awake, it seemed like a frantic blur of activities from the time my feet hit the ground. After scarfing down a quick breakfast, Bella and I had hurried to the bridal suite where there were makeup and hair stylists. If I thought I was going to escape the gossip mill about what had happened with me and Noah, I was wrong.

Painfully wrong.

Everyone, especially Laurel, wanted all the details. While relating the events that had transpired in the elevator, a crippling anxiety took up in my stomach, and I worried about seeing Noah again.

It wasn’t like I was embarrassed about what had happened. Well, except the part with our dads and all the other people seeing us. It was more about worrying about what he was feeling in the light of day. Did the make-out session between us truly matter, or would I just be regulated to yet another conquest of his?

Thankfully, the talk of Noah ended once we were beautified. After slipping on our lavender bridesmaid’s dresses, we helped Laurel into hers. I couldn’t get over how stunning she looked in her billowing white gown. Her smile was radiant, and I knew she was about to experience one of the happiest days of her life.

That fact caused a little flicker in my chest about one day being a bride. Of course, I was only twenty-two and had plenty of time. After all, my mom was twenty-eight when she married my dad. There was just something about being part of a wedding that made you long for a fairy tale.

After pictures of the bridal party, we hid Laurel away to take pictures with Mason and the groomsmen. My heart shuddered and restarted at the sight of Noah in his tux. While he’d looked amazing in his kurta pajama the night before, there was something to be said for the sleek elegance of the black tux.

At the sight of me, his face lit up, and he gave me a beaming smile along with a wave. Okay, so he wasn’t going to ghost me or pretend that nothing had happened last night. As I started walking up the aisle, Noah began weaving his way through the others to meet me. Once I stood before him, I couldn’t help smiling. “Hey.”
