Page 23 of The Pursuit

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After a pomp-filled ceremony, it was time to unwind at the reception. When the bridal party was announced, Noah and I once again walked together down an aisle. This time it was to a long row of tables where we would be seated with the other bridesmaids and groomsmen along with Mason and Laurel.

Dinner was served, and we all dug in. Then it was a free-for-all of dancing and free flowing alcohol. Although I normally wouldn’t have wanted to eat in front of a guy, I was too starved to care about Noah seeing me scarf down my steak and vegetables. It didn’t seem to faze him at all. He even buttered me an extra roll.

When it was time for Dad to serenade the happy couple for their first dance, I left the table and stood to the side of the dancefloor. As always, Dad knocked it out of the park. I’d grown up listening to his voice on and off the stage. Hearing him express such emotion in the Hindi language was truly beautiful.

As I closed my eyes and swayed to the music, someone brushed against me. “He’s amazing.”

Popping my eyes open, I met Noah’s astonished gaze. “He is, and more than that, he knows he is.”

He chuckled. “Once again, our fathers are so alike.”

“Speaking of killer voices, your mom’s voice is spectacular.”

“I like to think so.”

“She could’ve totally been a professional singer.”

Noah smiled as his gaze went to the table where his mother sat. “I agree. But more than she wanted a singing career, she wanted a family.” Cutting his gaze back over to mine, he quickly added, “Not that she couldn’t have done both. Your parents are certainly proof of that.”

“True. But a mother is the true heart of the family. Mine kept it all together so my dad could keep being a rocker.”

“My mom is certainly the beating heart of our family.”

As the song came to an end, I clapped and whistled for Dad. Mason went to his mother for the next dance while Laurel went to her father. “Speaking of that beating heart, will you excuse me for a minute?”


Noah patted my arm before he made his way through the crowd. When he reached his mother’s table, her eyes lit up at his question. Popping out of her chair, she then put her hand in Noah’s. He then led her onto the dance floor.

The sight of him showing so much love to his mother warmed me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. It proved to me yet again that he did have a heart somewhere in his manwhore chest.

When the dance ended, Noah kissed his mother’s cheek before handing her off to his dad. I couldn’t help giggling at the cocky smirk that was etched on Aidan’s face. Like father, like son. Then Noah made his way back over to me.

He wore an almost sheepish expression. “Sorry. I felt I needed to do that.”

Shaking my head, I replied, “Don’t apologize for showing your mom love.” I grinned at him. “It was so sweet.” At the red flush tinging his cheeks, my mouth gaped open. “Noah Fitzgerald, are you blushing?”


“Yes, you are.”

His hand came to stretch his collar. “It’s just hot in here, that’s all.”

I reached up to pinch his cheek. “You’re awfully cute when you blush.”

Noah smacked my hand away. “I am not blushing.”

Thankfully for Noah, Mason interrupted us. “Gaby, come dance with me,” he suggested.

I smiled up at him. “Okay.” Turning to Noah, I said, “Don’t get into trouble while I’m gone.”

He chuckled. “I’ll do my best.” With a pointed look at Mason, he said, “Don’t keep her too long, cuz.” His words and expression sent me spinning.

“I won’t,” Mason promised. He then led me out onto the dance floor. Once we were enveloped in the crowd, he pulled me close to him. “I can’t believe we’re dancing at my wedding.”

“I can. You were always a hopeless romantic.”
