Page 28 of The Pursuit

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A snort escaped my lips. “Yes, for the moment, your dick is safe.”

“I’m so glad to hear it.”

“I mean, it would be a real tragedy for the both of us.”

His blond brows furrowed. “What are you trying to say?”

“I should at least get to see your dick in action before my cousins take it, don’t you think?”

“Well, you didfeelit in action last night, didn’t you?” he asked with his cocky smile.


With a wink, Noah took a swig of his longneck. I knew it was now or never. If I didn’t say what I needed to say, I was going to lose my nerve. “How about after you finish that Corona, we go upstairs, and you show me your dick in action while you fuck me.”

Beer spewed out of his mouth like a waterfall at my comment. After swiping his mouth, he turned with wide-eyes to me. “Jesus Christ, Gaby,” he muttered.

Giving him an innocent look, I replied, “What?”

“Did you actually just ask me to…” He glanced around us before leaning closer to me. “fuckyou?”

With a grin, I replied, “Yes, I did.”

“Jesus Christ,” he muttered again.

“Is that a yes or a no?”

He fingered the neck of his collar, pulling it out and shaking his head. “Give me a minute.”

“Why, Noah Fitzgerald, don’t tell me I’ve shocked you? Especially after we were just talking about your dick.”

“Oh, you shocked me all right.”

“After our elevator romp last night, didn’t you think we’d be getting down and dirty after the reception?”

He grinned. “Maybe.”

“Come on, egomaniac. Don’t tell me you didn’t think I was a sure thing?”

“I thought you might’ve changed your mind after the trauma of being stuck in an elevator had passed.”

“Being in the elevator was what sold me on you, and before you think it was your masterful dry-humping skills that won me over, it was actually getting to know you better.”

“I’m so glad to hear it.” And he actually looked happy. As if I had seen past a persona he’d been projecting to the world. Sure, he was handsome as hell—okay, totally drop-dead sexy—but as I learned last night, he was also a tad protective.Thoughtful.

And … I wanted him.

“Then take me upstairs and ravish me,” I instructed with a grin.

He threw his head back with a laugh. “I don’t think anyone has ever told me to do that.”

“I’m glad to be the first.”

Noah rose out of his chair. “Whose room?”

“Bella and I are still sharing a room.”

As we started across the ballroom, Noah replied, “I’m not quite kinky enough for an audience. Not to mention the incestuous overtones of it being your sister.”
