Page 27 of The Pursuit

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“Because your mother never was a vile, disgusting manwhore like I was. When I think about the women I defiled…” He shuddered. “They were someone’s little girl.”

“Once again, you’re overreacting. You neverdefiledanyone. Whoever you hooked up with came willingly, right?”

“Of course.”

“Then what’s the difference between you being willing or them?” When Dad didn’t respond, I countered, “It’s hypocritical to believe it’s not okay for a woman to express her sexuality the same as a man.”

Dad grunted. “Jesus, you’re as hardheaded as your mother.”

“And as myfather.”

“Look, Gaby, here’s what it boils down to. I know Noah’s type. Iwashis type, and I don’t want that for you.”

“He’s really not a bad guy.” At Dad’s eye roll, I replied, “I mean it, and that’s saying a lot since I’ve hated him for years.”

Dad’s brows popped. “You did?” When I nodded, he replied, “Why the hell did you have to change your mind?”

A laugh bubbled from my lips. “Because I realized I was wrong about him.” I gave him a pointed look. “I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be standing here today if Mom hadn’t realized she was wrong about you.”

“You just had to throw that in my face, didn’t you?”

With a shrug, I replied, “Just stating facts. I mean, since you insist on playing this game, I feel the need to remind you that Mom was knocked up whenyou two married.”

“That’s not true.” When I opened my mouth to argue that yes, she was very much knocked up, he scowled. “Not that it matters in the great scheme of things, but Bella was a year old at our wedding.”

“It matters because Mom was a sexually liberated female, and you shouldn’t expect anything less from your daughters. Especially since I know you don’t give two shits about who Alex sleeps with.”

Dad remained uncharacteristically silent for what felt like an eternity. Finally, a ragged sigh rumbled through his broad chest. “Will you at least promise me you’ll be careful?”

“Of course. I always use protection.”

Extreme horror etched across Dad’s face. “Christ, that’s not what I meant.”

Warm embarrassment flooded my cheeks. “Oops. Sorry.”

After taking a few calming breaths, Dad said, “I meant for you to be careful with your emotions.” He then swallowed hard. “While I know I’m being a hard ass about the sexual stuff, it really boils down to the fact I don’t want you getting hurt. My heart breaks when yours does.”

His words and emotions melted my steely reserve. Squeezing him tight, I replied, “Aw, Papi, te quiero con todo mi corazon.”

He smiled. “Te amo, mi nina hermosa.”

I leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Even though you can be a pain in the ass sometimes, you’re still the best dad in the whole wide world.”

“Damn straight.”

The song changed over, and Dad broke free of our embrace. “Go on, and have fun.”

“You mean it?”

“Not really, but being a parent is all about sacrifice,” he replied with a teasing smile.

After bestowing a kiss on his cheek, I said, “Thanks, Daddy.”

Even though it wasn’t entirely a blessing, I heeded Dad’s words and went in search of Noah. He sat alone at one of the tables, eyeing his phone. When I sat down next to him, he glanced up at me with a questioning expression. “Everything okay?”

“It’s fine.”

“I can’t help but ask if that means my dick is also fine.”
