Page 35 of The Pursuit

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As she eased down onto her stomach, I pulled out of her and deposited the condom in the trash can. When Gaby turned her head to smile at me, a pang reverberated in my chest.Whoa, what the hell was that?This was just sex, so there was absolutely no reason to feel anything goofy in my chest.

With a shake of my head, I tried shaking the feeling away. “Now I’m really hungry.”

She laughed. “Me too. We better order something before we get carried away again.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Passing the menu over to her, I asked, “What are you in the mood for?”

After a quick glance, she replied, “Hmm, how about French toast?”

“That sounds good. I think I’ll have that, too.” Cocking my brows at her, I asked, “Anything else?”

“Water. Lots and lots of water.”

I grinned. “Dehydrated after working up a sweat?”

“Something like that.”

“French toast and a hella lot of water coming up.” I then used the hotel phone to call in our order. I made sure to get some eggs and bacon for us as well. I had a feeling we would need protein after our exertions.

When I was finished, Gaby unraveled herself from the tangled sheets. “I’m going to pee and then grab a quick shower.”

“Mind if I join you?”

With a shy smile, she replied, “Sure.”

When I started right behind her in the bathroom, she squeaked. “Can’t you let me pee in private?”

“After all that we just did, you actually give a shit about me seeing you take a piss?”

Wrinkling her nose, she replied, “Especially with you calling it that.”

“Fine. You don’t want me seeing you go tee-tee?”

Gaby snorted. “Don’t tell me you actually say that?”

“Not since I was a kid.” I laughed.

“Look, regardless of what you call it, I still don’t want you watching me.”

“Why the hell not?”

“It’s intimate.”

Sweeping my hands to my hips, I countered, “I’ve had my tongue and dick inside you.”

She squealed and put her hands over her eyes. “Just wait. Okay?”

“Fine,” I grunted as I let her close the door in my face. Jesus, women were weird. I didn’t give two shits about Gaby seeing me take a leak. At the sound of the toilet flushing, I sighed. “Can I come in now?”


When I threw open the door, Gaby jumped, which caused me to chuckle. While I fooled around with the water temperature, Gaby went over to the sink. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched as she took off her makeup. I loved looking at the movements of her body in the light—the gentle shake of her ass, the subtle bounce of her tits. If I didn’t stop looking, she was going to have me hard again.

As she peeled off one of her fake eyelashes, she caught my gaze in the mirror. “Yes, I realize I look like a bedraggled raccoon.”

With a chuckle, I replied, “You do not.” I stepped away from the shower to join her at the sink. “I was just thinking how beautiful you look all natural.”

She snorted. “Yeah, right.”
