Page 55 of The Pursuit

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“Don’t flatter yourself.”

“Actually, you proved me wrong about something.”

“That stinky shoes and stale beer can get someone’s libido up and running?”

Noah snorted. “No. You grabbing my junk was pretty spontaneous.”

I raised my fist victoriously in the air. “Booyah, I was right, and Noah was wrong.”

“Now don’t get cocky.”

“I believe I already did get cocky when I groped you,” I teased.

He laughed. “Yeah, you did.”

With a grin, I pushed him to get moving. “We better hurry up and get bowling, so I can get my mind off your dick.”

“I feel the same way.”

He then steered me over to an empty lane. After I sat my purse down, Noah asked, “Want a drink?”

“They have a bar?”

“Hell yeah.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “And pretty decent food.”

“I’ll take a Corona.”

“Sounds good. Anything else?”

“Nope. I’m good.”

While Noah took off for the bar, I searched for the perfect ball. After a testing the weight of a few, I chose a swirly blue one. Noah returned with two Coronas with lime along with some nachos.

“You have to try these. They’re to die for.”

Wrinkling my nose, I replied, “As a self-respecting half Mexican, I’m going to take your word for it.”

Noah snorted. “Don’t be such a food snob.”

“I’m not. Surely there’s some food in your Irish and Southern heritage that you won’t accept anything but the very best.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty particular about Shepherd’s pie as well as my fried chicken.” He held out the nachos to me. “Just try one.”

With a roll of my eyes, I reached over to take one of the chips. “You’re so stubborn,” I grumbled before I bit into the warm, cheese encrusted chip.

“I could say the same about you.”

Although I hated to admit it, they were ridiculously good, especially for a bowling alley. At what must’ve been my pleased expression, Noah bobbed his head. “They’re good, right?”

“Yeah,” I replied, before I snatched another one. After chewing on the chip, I motioned to the screen above us. “While you were gone, I got us set up.”

“Good deal.” He took a long swig of his Corona. “I have to say I’m impressed you know how to bowl.”

“Wait a minute. First you call me a food snob, and now you’re insinuating that my family is too highbrow for bowling?”

A sheepish expression came over Noah’s face. “It was more about you guys touring and being on the road.”

“On the road is where we did most of our bowling.”
