Page 60 of The Pursuit

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“Wouldn’t I?”

At the blistering lust gleaming in his eyes, heat shot straight between my legs. Fuck me, this was hot. How was it my panties were sopping wet while I was standing in stinky, ugly-as-hell bowling shoes not ten feet away from families bowling with their kids? I needed serious help, or more aptly some serious sexual healing.

Of course, I couldn’t let Noah know that. Jerking my chin up at him, I countered, “I’d love to see you try.”

“Okay, you leave me no choice.”

When his hands came around my waist, I shrieked and fought against him. But his strong swimmer’s muscles were no match to mine and he quickly hoisted me back up over his shoulder. A stinging smack cracked against my ass, causing me to jerk. I bit my lip to keep the moan of pleasure from escaping.

“That’s for the lap dance that left me chubbed in the middle of a bowling alley.”

“You asshole!”

SMACK. “And that’s for completely fucking my game by announcing you were wet.”

“Noah Fitzgerald, don’t you spank my ass again!”Please, please spank my ass again.

He swept me back onto my feet with a smirk. “Don’t worry I won’t.”

“Damn straight you won’t.”

“The next time I spank your ass you’ll beg me too.”

“Dream on, Fitzgerald,” I spat.

With an infuriating falsetto, he mimicked what could only be my sex voice. “Oh, Noah, please spank my ass with your strong, manly hands. I need punishing for being such a bad girl and teasing you all night.”

Shoving him, I challenged, “Never. Happening.”

He then had the nerve to chuckle at me. “Jesus, you’re sexy as fuck when you’re pissed off. I’m still hard.”

“And you’re a giant asshole for spanking me in a bowling alley.”

“You proved me wrong again.”

“Excuse me?”

“That bowling alleys do make people horny.”

“That’s all on you, horndog.”

He quirked his lips. “I was talking about you.”

My eyes bulged at his response. “I’m not the one with a hard-on—you are.”

“You’re the one with the wet panties.”

What the hell? How could he possibly know I was wet? He must’ve noticed the wheels furiously spinning in my head because he replied in a ragged breath, “I felt it when I spanked you that the last time. You must be fucking soaked, babe.”

Stupid leggings. I should’ve worn jeans, and then he wouldn’t get to be a smug bastard about him making me wet. Sweeping my hands to my hips, I countered, “So what if I am? What do you plan to do about it?”

Holy fucking shit at the lust glittering in his blue eyes. If I was soaked before, it felt like another deluge rained down just from his look and the tension in his body. “Not a damn thing.”

“Why not?”

“As much as I want to jerk those leggings down and fuck you against this wall, we can’t.”

“Because if we got caught, we’d end up getting arrested for public indecency?”
