Page 65 of The Pursuit

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I ducked out of her arms. “On that note, I think I’ll get started on the scampi.”

“I can help.”

“Nope. This is about serving you.” I then ushered her back to the stool at the counter. “Would you like some wine? I’m going to put some white in the sauce.”

“I’d love some.”

After grabbing a wineglass, I got a bottle of unopened wine from the pantry. At my ample pour, Gaby tilted her head at me. “Are you trying to get me tipsy?”

I laughed. “Maybe.” With a wink, I added, “It’s more about your Sicilian side being a fan of wine.”

“How did you know that?”

“Lucky guess.”

“Wine for my Sicilian side and tequila for my Mexican side.”

“A potentially lethal combination.”

She laughed. “Just don’t drink them in the same night, and you’re fine.”

After I gathered the ingredients, I started working on the sauce. “Did your mom teach you to cook?” Gaby asked.

“Actually, this recipe is my dad’s.”


With a nod, I replied, “He and my mom didn’t get together until he was thirty-two, so he had to learn to cook for himself. His scampi has always been a favorite of hers. I think it has to do with the fact he made it for her when they first started dating.”

“Sounds romantic,” Gaby mused.

“Considering how they got together, it wasn’t exactly about romance.”

Her dark brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Well, this is how it went down. My mom was almost thirty and really wanted a baby, but she wasn’t dating anyone. She didn’t want to go to a sperm bank, and after her gay best friend backed out of donating, my dad rode in like Prince Charming to offer his jizz.”

The wine in Gaby’s mouth spewed out at my summation. “You’re joking?”

“Nope. That’s pretty much the story of my conception.”

“That’s wild.”

“What about you? Do you have a crazy conception story?”

“Not mine, but Dad knocked my mom up with Bella after just two weeks of dating.”


“Yeah, but before my mom found out she was pregnant, they broke up because she couldn’t handle his fame and all the women that came with it.” Gaby appeared thoughtful for a moment. “I think there’s more to the story, but they’ve never told me. Anyway, a few months passed with him missing her, so he came to see her at the hospital where she was working. Before she could tell him she was almost five months pregnant, he saw her bump.” Gaby grinned. “He passed out and hit his head.”

“Hell, I don’t blame him. If I found out that way, I’d probably keel over too.”

“But then they realized they loved each other more than anything and got married.”

“And then they made you and Alex.”

