Page 66 of The Pursuit

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I shook my head. “After hearing that story, no wonder your dad hates me. He’s probably worrying I’ll knock you up.”

“He knows I’m on birth control.”

I paused in chopping the onions. “Does that mean I could ride bareback next time?”

Gaby rolled her eyes. “That’s what you took away from that conversation?”

With a shrug, I replied, “It couldn’t hurt to ask.”

“Just because I’m on birth control, it doesn’t mean we’re protected from anything else.”

“You didn’t seem too concerned when you let me come in your mouth,” I challenged with a smirk.

Gaby narrowed her eyes at me. “That was a momentary lapse in judgement.”

Coming around the side of the counter, I dipped my head to nuzzle her neck. “Then I want many, many more of your lapses in judgement. They make me come so hard.”

After running her fingers through my hair, Gaby jerked my head up to look at me. “You have such a filthy mouth.”

“And you like what my mouth does to you, don’t you?”

Glancing over my shoulder, Gaby said, “I think your pan is on fire.”

Licking my lips, I replied, “That’s because you get me so fucking hot.”

Gaby’s eyes crinkled with amusement. “Not you, yourpan.”

Tearing my gaze from hers, I whirled around to see the acrid smoke coming from the burner. “Shit!” I raced over to the stove and jerked the pan off the heat. “My mom is going to kill to me. This is one of her favorites.”

Joining me at the stove, Gaby wrinkled her nose at the smell. “Maybe you can buy a replacement while she’s gone, and she’ll never know,” she suggested.

“Good idea.” I then stooped down to dig another pan out of the cabinet. “Thank God it was just oil and butter, and I didn’t ruin the entire sauce.” Taking her by the hand, I led her back to her seat. “Be a good girl and don’t distract me this time.”

Her dark eyes bulged. “You’re blaming me? It was you who started the sexy talk.”

I laughed at her outrage. “You’re right. It’s my fault.” Rubbing her cheek, I replied, “The truth is you distract me just breathing.”

“There you go redeeming yourself again, Lord Douchelord.” She pulled me to her before bestowing a gentle kiss. “Hurry up and finish dinner.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

With all the ingredients ready to go, this time I managed to prepare everything without burning up pans. After fixing her a heaping plate, I set it down in front of her. “It smells delicious,” she remarked.

“Thank you.”

As Gaby brought her fork to her lips, I leaned forward in my chair. Once the bite entered her mouth, I held my breath. After chewing thoughtfully for a few moments, her brows shot up. “Holy shit, this is really good.”


“Yes, really.”

Sliding onto the stool next to her, I cocked my brows at her. “You’re not saying that to spare my feelings?”

“Since when have I ever done that?”

With a laugh, I replied, “Never. But I was thinking maybe you were this time because you liked me.”

“I do like you, but I’d still tell you the truth if your scampi was shit.” With a smile, she added, “I can see why it won your mom over.”
