Page 85 of The Pursuit

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“It was the absolute truth.”

“Be honest.”

“Fine. I’m dancing with you because Gaby asked me to.”

Her eyes widened. “How is it Gaby already has you so whipped?”

I laughed. “Being nice has nothing to do with being whipped.”

“I know. I’m just shocked since you’re a player.”

“For your information, I’m areformedplayer.”

Bella snorted. “Is that right?”

“Hell, yeah.”

“No offense, but I don’t think enough time has passed for you to truly be reformed.”

“I’m a work in progress,” I replied with a wink. And that was the truth. At the same time, I did feel completely changed. I honestly had no desire to sleep with any other women. I’d seen thecome fuck me eyesthrown my way over the last week when Gaby and I had been out, but it hadn’t done anything for me. I never thought I’d feel this way, but I was certain that Gaby was it for me. And fuck, yeah, it felt good.

She laughed. “For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you for trying.” With a genuine smile, she added, “Especially since you’re trying for Gaby, and there’s nothing in the world I want more than for her to be happy.”

“It must run in your family since that’s why Gaby asked me to dance with you.”

Her expression darkened. “This is about Jude, isn’t it?”

“Totally.” Jerking my chin over her shoulder, I replied, “And from the way he’s shooting daggers at me right now, I think it’s working.”

“It’s just because he’s being a big brother.”

“Unless you guys are living in Alabama, there’s no way he’s looking at you like a brother.”

Bella stared at me a moment before busting out laughing. “Whatever, Noah.”

“I’m serious. I know I don’t know him that well, but I am a man. I can read what another man is feeling.”

She sighed. “I wish I had yours and Gaby’s belief, but in the end, even if he was jealous about us dancing, it won’t matter.”

“Why don’t you make it matter?”

“And how would I do that?

“First of all, the two of you need to stop acting like this is fucking high school and remember that you’re grown-ass men and women.”

“We’re not acting like high schoolers,” she protested.

I tilted my head at her. “Are you kidding me? I feel like I’m acting like one by asking you to dance to make him jealous.”

“Ugh, fine. Once again, you’re right.”

“Second, no one else matters except for the two of you. Stop worrying about what will happen with your families if things don’t work out. Life’s too fucking short.”

Bella slowly shook her head back and forth. “Wow, Noah, I never imagined you were so deep.”

“Thanks…I think.”

“No, I mean it.”
