Page 86 of The Pursuit

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“Does me having depth mean you’ll do something about Jude?”

After nibbling on her bottom lip, Bella finally bobbed her head. “Yes. I will.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it.” Glancing over my shoulder, I called, “Gaby, I need you desperately.”

My remark was met with whistles as well as Gaby’s wide smile. “Do you?”

“Oh, yes.”

As Gaby rose out of her chair, I danced Bella and me closer to the table. “What are you doing?” Bella hissed.

Ignoring her, I focused on the delusional blond who was still shooting meeat shit and dielooks. “Jude, my man, considering your mad musical skills, I’m sure you have exceptional rhythm.”

“Maybe,” he grunted.

“Then would you do me a favor and dance with Bella, so I can dance with my girl?”

He cocked his head at me before flicking his hungry gaze over to Bella. Thankfully, she rose to the occasion by holding out her hand to him. “Come on and dance with me for old time’s sake,” she urged, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.

“I’d love to,” he replied.

More whistling went up around the table. As Jude stood beside me, I ducked my head to quickly whisper in his ear. “Dude, get your head out of your ass and realize the absolute queen right in front of you. It’s never, ever going to get any better than her.”

When I pulled away, he stared wide-eyed before giving a slight jerk of his head. Before I handed Bella off to him, I teasingly added, “Considering you’re thirty, you don’t have much time left.”

“Fuck you,” he muttered under his breath. He then turned his attention to Bella. He took her into his arms with utter and complete reverence. It made even my stone-cold, romance-resistant heart beat a little harder.

Jesus, what the hell was happening to me?

Shaking my head, I tried ridding myself of the thoughts. Instead, I focused on Gaby and her hot-as-fucking-sin dress. Jerking her against me, I danced us away from Jude and Bella. Part of me wished the music would change over to something faster so I could bump and grind on her.

As she watched the two of them dancing, a dreamy smile came over Gaby’s face. When she met my gaze, she reached up to kiss me. It was sweet and very tender. “Thank you, Noah.”

“While you’re very welcome, I do want you to know I plan on calling in your blow job offer ASAP.”

She rolled her eyes. “I would’ve been shocked if you didn’t.”

“You know, to offer that, you’re a good sister.”

“It’s kind of warped when you realize I offered you a blow job to dance with Bella.”

I chuckled. “I think it’s more you’re a people pleaser, and you want everyone to be happy.”

“We both know the road to your happiness lies with your dick.”

For reasons I didn’t understand, her comment wounded me. Once again, what the hell was happening to me? At my silence, she peered up at me. “Don’t tell me I’m wrong.”

With a shake of my head, I replied, “No. But more things make me happy than just my dick.”

Gaby’s dark eyes widened. “I hurt your feelings.”

“No, you didn’t.”

“Yes, I did.”

Gritting my teeth, I replied, “Only a pussy would get their feelings hurt over that statement, and I am most certainly not a pussy.”

“Noah, I’m sorry.”

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