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I let out a choked sound that’s half giggle, half sob as he plucks the box from my hand and sinks down on one knee in front of me. His taut thighs strain against his jeans as the grass crunches under him.

It used to be an art form, knowing how to read Grant Faircross... but right now, the look in his eyes needs no translation.

Not when his heart shines so clear in those hazel depths, in that devil’s smile on full, firm lips.

Not when, looking up at me, Grant offers me the ring and so much more as he clears his throat.

“Ophelia Sanderson, I’ve been chasing you even when you weren’t here to chase. I always loved you. Always damn well knew I’d be here one day, if only you’d let me. And now that I have you, I don’t ever want to see the back of you again. Stay this time, Ophelia. Stay and be my wife.”

Trembling, I reach for the box again, delicately touching the sharp-cut edges of the stones, my eyes blurring.

“That’s not even a question,” I can’t help teasing.

He snorts.

“Give me a yes or no, you brat,” he says.

I’m already laughing with sheer joy.

“Yes,” I cry, flinging myself against him. “Now put your ring on me and kiss me, you big lunk.”

There’s nothing but laughter between us then, and cold, fumbling fingers as he works the ring out of the box and slips it on my finger.

My God, it feels like the rightness I’ve been searching for all my life.

A promise.

Proof positive that Grant loves me, and I love him, and that’s never changing.

For a moment we both just stare at that small band lining my finger, so heavy with meaning.

Then with another messy laugh, I cup his face and bury my fingers in his thick beard until I find the warm skin underneath.

“I used to daydream about this all the time as a little girl. I never thought it would actually happen. I never thought you’d actuallyseeme.”

“I always did,” Grant promises. “I was just waiting for you to come home.”

I can’t hold back anymore.

I lean in to kiss him—only to stop as something wet and cold touches my lips, my cheeks.

Something besides my own tears.

Pulling back, I lift my head and look up.

A happy sigh slips out of me.

“It’s snowing,” I whisper.

I’m smiling like I might break as I watch the first snowflakes of winter falling down in pale fluffy magic.

“Yeah,” Grant answers, wrapping his arms around me so tight. “Feels like it’s all for us, huh?”

I don’t answer.

I don’t need to.

I just need to live this moment with him, bursting with love.
