Page 62 of I Need You

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“I see,” he says again.

Does he, though,seewhat is happening here?

“Look, I have proof of funds in my back pocket and I’m willing to pay over asking. It should be a nice, neat little transaction. So why don’t you call your wife and have the papers drawn up and we can get this over with,” I say.

My patience is running out and the texts waiting for me from Aubrey are burning a hole through my pants pocket.

“You see, Emmett,” Pastor Dick Face says and the way he says my name makes my teeth ache, “we’ve had an uptick of interest in the property. The price has actually gone up. It’s now listed for three hundred thousand.”

“Fine. I’ll give you three fifty. I don’t care.”

“Normally I would say that’s a very generous offer,” he begins, a smug look on his face.

I nearly lean forward and punch him. It’s a more than generous offer. We both know the property isn’t worth more than two hundred and fifty thousand, tops.

“But what you’re wanting to purchase is a little more valuable.”

“What do you mean? The offer I’ve given is well above the value of the land and the house,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady and even.

“Well, Emmett, Aubrey’s parents would really like their daughter to come home. She needs to be here, with her family—”

“I’m her family now,” I say, cutting him off.

He clears his throat before continuing.

“I think if there was an offer of four hundred thousand for the property, I’d be happy to convince her parents that she’s better off not being bothered.”

The slime ball says all of this with a straight face. The urge I had a moment ago to punch him intensifies ten fold, but I know it would only make things worse right now. I just want this to be over with.

“You’re selling her freedom,” I say through clenched teeth.

“I don’t quite see it that way, but if you do, I’ll be happy to let my wife know the property should continue to be advertised.”

“No,” I growl.

I have the money and then some in my trust fund account alone.

“Get the paperwork ready. I’ll be here tomorrow at ten with a check,” I say before walking out the door as quickly as I can to keep myself from showing the good pastor what I really think of him.

When I arrive at the nondescript building the next day, which I’ve confirmed is the church itself, the same woman is sitting behind the front desk. She hardly acknowledges me but waves her hand, indicating I should head down to the same room I was in yesterday. Today, though, there are more people in the room seated at a small table tucked into the corner of the office. The two members are introduced to me as the elusive Mary Johnson, the realtor and wife of Pastor Johnson, and a Mr. Echols, an attorney. I nearly laugh, because I must have really rattled Johnson’s cage yesterday for him to bring in an attorney for this deal.

My parents didn’t raise a fool. My mother graciously and willingly agreed to join me for this meeting once I gave her all the sordid details. When she introduces herself to Mr. Echols, I swear I see his eyes widen. We all sit and begin the process of signing the mountain of paperwork, that unsurprisingly includes a non-disclosure agreement. I’m more than happy to sign it. The agreement doesn’t extend to Aubrey, so she’s still free to speak her truth if she ever wants to, and I’ll do anything at this point to make sure she’s safe and happy.

I set the pen down after signing the final paper and slide the bank check across the table. Pastor Johnson picks it up and inspects it for a moment, and I can tell he’s struggling to conceal a smile. I push my chair back and stand. Before leaving, I place my hands on the table in front of me, leaning forward. I get as close to Pastor Asshat as I can and keep my voice low, controlled.

“Just so you know, I would have paid twice what I did to ensure you stay the fuck away from Aubrey,” I say, and turn to leave before he can even think of a rebuttal.

He should just be glad I didn’t punch him in the face. Or even better, kick him in the balls like I’ve wanted to do since he first opened his smug mouth. Mom links her arm in mine as we walk down the hallway toward the exit. When I look over at her, I can tell she’s trying to hide a smile. When we push through the front doors, I don’t try to hide my own smile. I let it cover my face for the first time in days before hugging Mom goodbye and promising to join the family for dinner soon.

“And be sure to bring your pretty lady friend around too,” she says before kissing my cheek and getting into her car.

As mom drives away, I pull out my phone and text Aubrey.

Me: Our spot. Usual time?

Chapter twenty-six

