Page 61 of I Need You

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“It is. It really is. I still can’t help but wonder if it’s real. If she’s really clean and if she’ll stay clean.”

I reach over and give Madison’s arm a squeeze.

“She asked me to come visit. I told her I’m too busy with classes and work right now, but that I’d see about maybe visiting for spring break. I think she knew I was lying,” Madison says, and bites her bottom lip.

“Well, she shouldn’t be surprised,” Taylor chimes in. “Remember, she’s the parent, and she fucked up big time. No one would blame you for wanting to wait and see how long the changes stick before you let her back into your life.”

“Yeah, I know. You’re right,” Madison says.

“Of course I am, babe. I’m always right,” Taylor teases.

“Did you tell her about meeting your bio-dad’s family?” I ask, remembering that Madison recently met some of her estranged family.

“Hell no,” Madison says, laughing. “I figured that was more of an in person kind of conversation.”

“Yeah, probably,” Taylor agrees.

The girls and I gossip for another two hours before they leave and I drag myself up to bed. Alone.

Chapter twenty-five


Myphonebuzzesinmy pocket several times, letting me know a flurry of texts have come through. I don’t check to see who they’re from. I know they’re from Aubrey. I set her up with her own special ringtone and vibration as soon as I saved her number in my phone.

Dammit, I’m pathetic.

I want to pull my phone out and read her texts, but what I’m doing right now is more important. Only slightly more important, though.

“Emmett, please come in. Take a seat,” the man behind the desk says.

“I’m looking for Mary Johnson,” I tell him without making any move to get closer or sit in the chair he’s offered.

“Yes. Mary is my wife. I’m Pastor Johnson. Please, sit,” he says again.

It’s all clicking into place. The last name, not a coincidence. This building definitely has to be tied to the church. Fuck that, thecult. It’s almost as if this asshole con man knew I was coming. Actually, I’m certain he was expecting me. Aubrey’s parents must have called him.

“I’ll stand, thank you,” I say.

The man behind the desk's smile fades momentarily, but he recovers quickly. He stands and comes around to the front of the desk, leaning up against it and crossing his arms over his chest.

“So, what can we do for you, Emmett?” he asks.

“You’re selling a property on the edge of Easton. I would like to put in an offer.”

“I see.”

The silence between us stretches on just long enough to make me uncomfortable. I go to pull on my hat, but I’m not wearing one. I stopped constantly wearing the hats and beanies after Aubrey found out about the cancer. My hair has mostly filled back in. It’s shorter still than I would normally wear it, but if you didn’t know I’d once been as bald as a newborn baby, you’d think nothing of the state of my current hair cut.

My old curl and texture has even started to come back. Once, when Aubrey and I were laying in bed together, the invisible wall separating us, she reached out and ran her fingers through my hair. The shivers and jolts of electricity it sent through my entire body almost made me need to get up and take a cold shower.

I stop daydreaming of Aubrey’s touch and turn my attention back to the task at hand. I’m determined not to be the first to speak, but Pastor Asshole seems to have the same resolve. Luckily for me, he eventually breaks first.

“I think it’s safe to assume you’re buying the property for Aubrey?” he asks.

Am I? Yes. But, I’m also buying it for myself. The water tower held significance before I even met Aubrey, and I don’t like the thought of someone tearing it down.

“She’s one reason, yes.”
