Page 22 of Sundancer's Star

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“I’m sorry. I should have tracked it better. I’ll shut it down at once. Hopefully, it’s not too late to salvage things,” Bill said.

“We’ll be fine if we get that in line. I feel sure of it,” Caleb said, letting out another deep breath.

Madison stood, excited they had solved the problem. Caleb wouldn’t lose the store…and even if it meant she would be out of a job, it was all good. Caleb and Joelle had become special to her in just a few short days.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Caleb,” Bill said, sounding more than a little relieved.

“No problem. Family must stick together. Have a good night.”

“You do the same,” Bill said before the call was disconnected.

Madison clapped her hands, a wide smile at the ready. “Sounds like we figured it out.”

“More like you did, but yes, I agree. Problem solved. Thank you so much for your help,” Caleb said, his hand coming up toward her face, almost as though it had a will of its own. Touching her cheek, his thumb caressed her face softly. It was as though time had stopped between them.

His gaze held her with an intensity she couldn’t look away from. Was he going to kiss her? No way. It surely had to be a figment of her imagination.

Madison swallowed hard as Caleb lowered his head. This was no figment. Caleb Duncan was going to kiss her. Something she’d dreamed of since high school. Her pulse raced, but she dared not move a muscle and break the moment.

“Daddy! Madison!” Joelle said as she came running into the dining room.

Caleb jerked back as though stung, before turning to face his daughter. “What is it, sweetheart?”

“The movie is done.” She looked back and forth between Madison and her dad, a silent question in her eyes.

“Perfect. That means it’s bedtime, young lady.” Caleb moved around the table, his priorities suddenly shifting gears.

“Aww, but I want to stay with Madison,” Joelle whined, proof the little dear was tired.

Caleb shook his head. “Madison was just getting ready to leave. She solved the problem at the store and now our work is done.”

“Is that why you were going to kiss her?” Joelle asked, the innocence of her question catching them off guard.

“Yes. A thank you kiss was in order, don’t you think?” Caleb asked.

So only one of them was surprised. Caleb, it would seem, had a different agenda than the one Madison played out in her head. It was a lucky escape.

Joelle nodded. “Yup. So, give her one.”

Caleb hesitated, drawing in a deep breath. He leaned forward and dropped a kiss on Madison’s cheek. A quick, chaste kiss with anI’m sorryglint in his eyes.

Not at all like the ones she’d dreamed of in high school.

Talk about a letdown.

Chapter Ten

Lastnight,Calebhadalmost kissed Madison. The feeling leading up to that point had been almost as natural as breathing. It was as though only the two of them existed, a moment in time to celebrate the joy of uncovering the problem at Bigsby’s. Joelle’s sudden appearance had kept him from making a huge mistake. The problem, however, is that while he knew it was a mistake, it didn’t keep him from the disappointment that followed when he stepped away. He couldn’t explain it…not by a long shot.

Madison herself had seemed like a deer caught in the headlights, the indecision of her expression enough to make him understand they were both treading on dangerous ground. That he was attracted to Madison scared him. Did it mean he was forgetting Lauren? Is that what people meant about time healing a wound?

He hadn’t gone looking for this…a sense of joy at being around someone other than his late wife. And yet it had happened. Hearing the car in the driveway, he knew Madison had arrived, and couldn’t help smiling…eager to see her again. And she was right on time, according to his watch.

“Good morning,” Madison said when he met her at the door.

“Morning. Joelle’s still in bed. I’m guessing it was a late night for her. I didn’t want to wake her, but I need to get down to the barn and feed Star, if that’s okay with you.” It was a good cover for his eagerness to see her and rushing to the door like a schoolboy.

Madison nodded. “Of course. But I was hoping we would have a few minutes to discuss something without Joelle overhearing us.”

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