Page 27 of Sundancer's Star

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For Caleb, it was about letting go of the past, which it would seem he was willing to do. And for Madison, it was about committing to sticking around town. Neither one of them knew what the future held, but for the first time in a long time, Caleb was ready to face the challenges of “what if.”

Chapter Twelve

SaturdayandSundayshouldhave been relaxing off days. Instead, Madison had spent most of her time thinking about Caleb. The problem started with the kiss. An innocent kiss, but one that had her reliving the days of her high school crush. It was a dream come true kiss and better than she could have imagined.

Then there was the guilt of kissing a man who had once been married to a friend of hers. But the worst part was admitting to herself that what she was feeling couldn’t be labeled a crush. Love in the making…perhaps, or more than a little likely. Spending the past week with Caleb allowed her to see and understand him better. Overly protective but loving. Controlling but sweet and caring. A man capable of deep love, but Madison wasn’t so sure he could repeat what appeared to have been a perfect relationship with Lauren.

If she believed him, then Caleb was more than ready to try. But if she believed him and it didn’t work out, it was Madison who would be left with a broken heart. And then, there was Joelle to consider and the impact on her. Agonizing over what to do hadn’t solved anything.

After settling in to watch Sleepless in Seattle, one of her favorite movies, she pressed play. Perhaps her choice for tonight’s movie echoed her hope that Caleb, too, could move forward and fall in love a second time, just like Sam Baldwin. If only to convince herself, the two of them had even the slightest chance of making a go of things together.

As the opening credits played, she checked her phone for messages. No texts, but there was an email. Madison clicked on the icon and then on the email, immediately recognizing the sender.Sun Glow Fashionshad been one of the companies she had applied to but had given up on since she never heard back.

She scanned the email, a sense of excitement welling within her with each word she read. They wanted her to interview with the company. It was a big step in the right direction, considering it was for a junior designer position, not an office gopher. Or at least she hoped it wasn’t a job title masked in sheep’s clothing like her last position.

Her excitement hit def-con level ten as she pictured herself sitting at her desk and designing fashions, the results of her hard work showing up in fashion magazines and on the runway, with a model showing off her designs to the most influential people in the business from around the world.

A minute later, the joy subsided to a level three or four. California was a long way away from Dover. It would mean leaving her mother, Caleb, and Joelle. But nothing could change the fact that this was the sort of opportunity she’d worked her entire life for. Not a gopher. Not a nanny.

A fashion designer.

Madison picked up the remote and turned the movie off. Now wasn’t the time to encourage her inner self that this could be a lasting love when it wouldn’t last past the next couple of weeks if she got the job. It was a big if, but she had to try.

Caleb was a big if also, but she didn’t have years invested in the relationship. Of the two, there wasn’t much choice. There was no way she could give up a lucrative career opportunity for an “if” with Caleb.

Monday morning, Madison arrived at the ranch house. She’d been dreading the moment she would have to tell Caleb about the job offer. The moment she connected the dots and realized that the company’s offer to fly her to California with all expenses paid could only mean one thing…they were serious about hiring her. It was also the moment the dread pitted low in her stomach and continued to grow with each passing hour.

Knock. Knock.Without waiting for an answer, she walked into the house. Early on it was the protocol she and Caleb had arranged.

“Good morning,” Caleb said, smiling at her as she entered the dining room.

“Good morning.”

“I trust you slept well.” His expression held a wealth of meaning as his gaze never left hers.

Madison nodded. She knew exactly what he was asking, but the words she rehearsed were sadly nowhere to be found.

Joelle came skipping into the room. “Hi, Madison. Can we make pancakes for breakfast? You know, the kind with the chocolate happy face and whipped cream?”

Saved from answering Caleb, Madison was ready to promise the little darling the moon. “I don’t see why not. Are you hungry?”

“I am. I’m a growing girl. That’s what daddy always tells me.” Joelle shot her father a look as if seeking confirmation.

“I do say that. But not so fast for breakfast. I was wondering if you two ladies would rather go to the diner this morning to eat. There are a few things I want to check out at the store and wondered if you’d like to tag along,” Caleb offered.

“I’d like that, Daddy. They don’t do smiley faces like Madison, but they let me color a picture and then they hang my drawing on the wall like I’m a real artist.”

“That sounds like fun. I reckon I wouldn’t want to get in the way of a budding artist,” Madison teased. At least out in public, there wouldn’t be any time for private conversations with Caleb.

An hour later, Joelle had eaten her fair share of pancakes and finished her drawings. Her artwork had been hung, and the breakfast bill paid. Together they all walked to Bigsby’s, each of them flanking his daughter and holding her hands.

Like a real family.

The overhead bell rang as they entered.

“Hi Tommy,” Caleb waved and greeted the kid at the register. “Is my uncle in?”

“Hiya, Mr. Duncan. He left to run an errand but said he wouldn’t be gone long,” Tommy said, a friendly smile at the ready.
