Page 28 of Sundancer's Star

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“That’s okay. I’m just going to have a look around and see what we can do to move more products. People pay good money for marketing plans, and I figure I’ve got access to a design consultant,” he said, grinning at Madison.

“So, you brought me to work, not play. I see how it is,” Madison teased, as Tommy walked away. But deep down, it stung a wee bit. She was a nanny, at least for now. And she wasn’t even close to a marketing expert, although she’d offered her services to help analyze his financial records. She could only hope this nanny job didn’t become like her last one.Hire her and then expect more.

“Only if you want to. And I was referring to the mannequins.” Caleb pointed to the clothing section of the store. “They are boring. Not to mention sloppy,” he said, lowering his voice a notch with a quick glimpse at where Tommy stood.

“Now that sounds more like something I can do,” Madison exclaimed. Perhaps she’d been hasty about lumping Caleb in the same group as her ex-boss. Her esteem rose a notch, knowing in his own way he was admitting she had a level of expertise in the area. Something she wasn’t sure that he had taken seriously in the beginning.

“Daddy, can I play with my dolls? Grown-up work is boring.”

Caleb nodded. “Sure thing, sweetie. Let me grab a blanket and spread out a play area, and you can have a tea party.”

Joelle shook her head. “A birthday party. Madison and I had a tea party yesterday,” she said, her tone quite serious.

“I see. Good thinking,” Caleb said, shooting Madison a wink.

Madison enjoyed feeling as though they were co-conspirators in the parenting world. She moved off to start work on the mannequins. Soon, the first one was finished, and she found herself in conversation with one of the customers. Interesting woman, Mrs. Jamison. Full of information and a willingness to talk. Small-town gossip at its finest.

Caleb returned and looked up at her handiwork. “I see I’ve got the right person on the job. Maybe I should hire you…when I can afford another employee, that is.” He grinned.

It was the perfect opening, especially with Joelle nowhere in hearing range. “About that, there’s something I need to tell you. Last night I received an email from one of the fashion companies I applied to, and I have a job interview.”

“That’s great news. Congratulations,” he said, his broad smile warm and genuine.

“Thanks. I’m excited. They are flying me to their headquarters, all expenses paid. I’m guessing they are serious.” There was no way to tamp down her excitement, not that she wanted to. Eventually, Caleb would find out the truth, so it might as well be now.

“Flying? As in, it’s a long way away, or flying as in a hop to Houston or Dallas?” Caleb’s smile faded. Following his kiss, neither was a suitable answer, but one was way worse than the other.

“Flying as in California.”

He nodded. “I see.” Caleb might see, but judging by his expression, he didn’t want to see. Or didn’t like what it meant if she got the job.

It was the same for her, and she needed him to understand. “I’m sorry. We didn’t get to talk about it the other night, but believe me, leaving you and Joelle makes me not want to go. Except I can’t say no. I’ve worked years for this and now I might have a genuine opportunity to break into the industry and make a name for myself. I wish things could be different. I enjoy being around you both. And the fact is, I haven’t gotten the job yet, so there is that. I just need to try. Whatever happens, God will lead me where I need to go.”

Caleb let out a heavy sigh and reached for her hand. “I understand. We should make the most of the time we do have together in case it’s cut short. We both love having you around and we want the best for you wherever life takes you.”

She was grateful for his calm acceptance, as it would make it easier for her to leave. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Not a problem. Maybe if you can finish up the other mannequins, I can tidy up around here. Get a sense of organization and perhaps a better way to layout the store to boost sales. I’m not going anywhere, so I have a store to save.” And just like that, Caleb was back to his controlled sense of responsibility.

Madison hated that just as he was moving forward in life, she would leave town. It would be all too easy for him to fall back into his old ways. “And I’m going to keep helping you do just that while I’m still in town.” It was the least she could do.

“Maybe you won’t get the job and I can keep you here forever,” he teased.

His comment caught her off guard. Well played, and one she could take one of two ways. It was better not to go the romantic route. “That’s not nice. Steal a girl’s dreams before she has a chance at them.” Madison laughed.

“Never. I have a feeling you will get whatever you want…you’re the most determined woman I’ve ever met.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“It was a compliment…don’t doubt it.” Caleb turned and walked away without so much as a hint he might try to kiss her again, leaving her with a sense of disappointment. Talk about mixed signals on her part. She wanted him to kiss her, and she wanted the job. No fairy tale ending in this story.

Cinderella wouldn’t have it all.

Chapter Thirteen

Calebreturnedhomeafterrunning some errands in town and stopping by the store. The fashionably smart mannequins reminded him of his dilemma. Not the store kind. He had truly believed that he might have a chance at another loving relationship, but the center of his affection was determined to leave town. And not even in the same county, or state, for that matter. When he commented yesterday about her not getting the job, it had been a joke…but one that selfishly was born of truth.

He parked the car and headed inside, smiling as he heard voices and laughter coming from down the hall. It sounded as though they were having fun in the tent.

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