Page 38 of Sundancer's Star

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“It’s sweet of you to come here, but it’s too late. I canceled the interview,” Madison said, surprising him with this turn of events.

Caleb shook his head. “Then un-cancel the cancel. You need to get to L.A. and your interview. You’ve dreamed of this and it’s too big of an opportunity to let it slide.” He would support her no matter what, the same way she had done for him.

“Thanks, but honestly, it’s too late. My flight has already left and there’s not another one going out until later tonight. That’s why I canceled the appointment. I guess it wasn’t meant to be. I figured you would be happy with the change in plans.”

He deserved the comment, considering all that he’d said to her before. “That’s where you’re wrong. I’ve got a friend who’s agreed to fly you to L.A. on a private plane. Just say yes, and I’ll drive you to the airstrip in Greenflower. What time’s your interview?”

“Four. I can’t believe you set all this up.” Madison took a deep breath and exhaled, her gaze watching him closely.

“Believe it.” He quickly checked his watch. “You have just enough time if we leave now. What do you say?”

“I guess the only thing I can say is yes. It is my dream job.”

Except Madison didn’t seem all that excited. But then, it wasn’t as if he wore his emotions on his sleeve either. “Great. Let me notify Charlie we’re on our way.” Caleb sent a text to his friend knowing it would take him time to get flight clearance. Luckily, it was a small local airport, which made everything a lot easier.

“Ready?” he asked when she returned to the porch.

“As ready as I’ll ever be. And thanks,” Madison said, reaching up to kiss him on the cheek.

Caleb’s heart swelled ten times bigger with the simple gesture. They headed for the truck, and he held the door open for her. Coming around the back of the vehicle, he slid into the driver’s side, started the truck, and backed out of the driveway.

As they headed for Greenflower, Caleb noticed Madison was deep in thought.

She turned to him. “I heard about your uncle. I’m truly sorry. I didn’t want to be right about him,” Madison said, diving right into the conversation where they left things off.

Caleb nodded. “I know. I should have listened to you sooner, but Uncle Bill is family. I just couldn’t believe he would do something so deceitful. But he is getting help, so I’m relieved.” They’d only spoken twice, but one day, he hoped they could repair the relationship.

“Most people would have had him thrown in jail,” Madison said.

“I like to think I’m not like most people. Would you have turned him in?” He didn’t want this between them if she disagreed with his decision. Better to air the issue out in the open.

Madison smiled. “Nope. I loved your compromise. Trust me, the whole town knows. Bill is grateful, and he’s singing praises about his nephew to anyone who will listen.”

Of course, they were on the same page…he should have known she would understand. “I just think family is important. I can replace the money eventually and we’ll be fine. But I have to live with my decision, and I know in my heart it was the right thing to do. Sometimes people make mistakes, and since it only involved me, I figured it was my choice how to handle the resolution.”

Madison reached out and touched his arm. “You did good.”

“Thank you,” he said, turning into the airport and making his way to the hangar where his friend’s plane was parked. They got out of the car, meeting at the front end.

“Guess this is it,” she said, noticing the pilot headed their way.

“Looks that way. Just one other thing before you go…”

“What’s that?” she asked.

Caleb stepped in closer and lowered his head to kiss her. Not a friend’s kiss. A kiss to let Madison know the true depth of his feelings, leaving no doubt in her mind.

“Hey, you two. Are we making this flight to L.A. or are you going to stand here and make out?” Charlie asked, laughing at his joke.

Caleb stepped back and grinned, shaking hands with his friend.

“This is Madison, and yes, she’s making the flight. Madison, meet Charlie.”

“Nice to meet you, young lady. Let’s go, shall we?” he said, glancing at his watch. “We only have about ten minutes before my window to get airborne closes.”

“Good luck at the interview, Madison,” Caleb said, knowing the time had come to let her go.

“Thank you for everything,” she said, waving as she and Charlie boarded the plane.

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