Page 39 of Sundancer's Star

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No matter what happened in the future, Caleb would never regret kissing Madison. His heart was beating faster, proof he was alive, well, and ready to love again.

Chapter Nineteen

Charliewasasthoroughand professional as Madison would have wanted her pilot to be for a small plane hop to L.A. It was a little nerve-racking, but she soon settled in and enjoyed the flight. Especially as Charlie pointed out different places and views that she could connect with. Visualizing the path they were taking on a map helped it all make sense.

Today hadn’t started out right, but Caleb had turned things around for her. She had concluded she wasn’t supposed to make the flight today, and by extension, leave Dover. It made her question if she was still running away from everything good in her life, trying to chase a dream. Her mother. Joelle. And, of course, Caleb.

Except he’d come to her rescue, and everything was back on track, laying her premise to rest. He had certainly boldly risen to the occasion, surprising her. Including the kiss that left her weak in the knees. The changes in him were remarkable, and Madison couldn’t help rejoicing. That she’d been a small part of that change made her feel good, but then there was the part that realized once again they were moving in opposite directions. And this time, she couldn’t say he was unavailable…emotionally or otherwise.

“It won’t be long now. See, there’s the small airstrip where I’m going to land.” Charlie pointed to a small tower with an orange wind flag at the top.

Madison swung back around to Charlie. “Oh, I thought we were going to LAX.”

The pilot shook his head. “No. It takes a lot more red tape and time to get in there. I try to stick with smaller airports, which end up being quicker overall. Caleb also arranged transportation to pick you up and take you to your interview, and you should be right on time.” The older man smiled, his eyes twinkling with merriment.

“That was sweet of him.”

Charlie chuckled. “Seems to me he’s sweet on you.”

Madison could feel the heat suffuse her cheeks. She was unsure how to reply to the comment and remained silent. But it certainly seemed Charlie was right if Caleb’s kiss was anything to go by.

Charlie shifted his attention back to the control board and began their descent, communicating with the radio tower.

More and more, Madison had to wonder if she’d been right all along, and that coming to California wasn’t what she wanted. People were far more important than jobs.

You designed this right here at our kitchen table.Her mother’s words rang in her ears, reminding her of their teary goodbye. Dover didn’t need another clothing store, but even on a small scale if she was doing what she loved, and it would put her in the same zip code as the man she loved…wouldn’t it be worth it? It was all so confusing.

Charlie landed the plane and true to his word, a driver was there to take her to Sun Glow Fashions. “Thanks for everything. You two must be good friends for you to step up the way you did for me. Have a safe flight home,” Madison said, almost sorry to see her new friend leave. He was a connection to Caleb. And Dover.Home.

But was it where she belonged?

“Home? I’m not going anywhere just yet. I’ll wait for you to finish and fly you back to Texas. No sense in you flying commercial when we’re going to the same place. I’ve got a friend here in town that I’m going to visit for a bit. I’ll be back by six and ready to go anytime you are.”

Talk about a tremendous relief. A last-minute ticket would have cost her a fortune, and she wasn’t sure Sun Glow Fashions would pick up the bill since they would have already been on the hook for her first missed flights. At least they had agreed to still meet with her. “Well, in that case, I won’t say no.”

Two hours later, she’d left Sun Glow corporate headquarters, dancing with joy in front of the building, holding her hands up to heaven above as she gave thanks to God. Never would she have imagined her interview would go the way it did, especially given her auspicious start to the day. The job was hers. Years of hard work had finally paid off and she was giddy with excitement about what the future might hold.

The entire flight home she had been on cloud nine…literally and figuratively.

It had taken a lot of courage to lay out her plan to the company. Once she realized they still wanted to hire her, she jumped headlong into the idea that had been born from her mother’s words. Not only did she get the job, but she would work from home. Remote positions were a big thing nowadays, and the company was all too happy to agree, with a few conditions of their own, of course. A flight to L.A. once a month and her presence at any special corporate affairs was something she had no problem agreeing to, and they had struck a deal.

Madison had a job and could stay in Dover. Talk about having her cake and eating it too. Now if only she could have a double layer of frosting to make it perfect.

She laughed as she exited the taxi and made her way up the sidewalk to her house. Except her mother wasn’t home. She must have been picked up by one of her friends for their book club night. Madison dropped her things and grabbed the keys to her car and headed for Caleb’s house, grateful she wasn’t reliant on her mother’s vehicle for transportation anymore. There weren’t any promises between them, but his kiss goodbye spoke volumes. Sharing her good news, she would trust her heart to lead the way.

It was time to hang up her running shoes, and hopefully, Caleb would be a part of her life. And if she’d read too much into the kiss, then so be it. No matter what, he was important enough in her life, even as a friend. Love was magical and something to be shared. Either way, Madison would find peace and joy in her own life and for herself, right here in Dover.

Caleb and Joelle would be the frosting on the cake.

Madison pulled into the driveway and was thrilled to catch Caleb just coming in from the barn. Joelle was nowhere in sight, which was odd considering the two were never far apart, not to mention it was late. Maybe she was in bed, and he’d forgotten to do something for Star.

He stopped and waited for her to park. She slid out of the car and headed in his direction, Caleb meeting her halfway. “Hey there. This is a nice surprise. How did it go?” he asked.

Madison found it difficult to contain her elation. She clapped her hands together and laughed. “I was offered the job. Can you believe it?”

“Of course, I do. Who wouldn’t want you? Congratulations. You deserve it for all your hard work.”

“Thank you,” she said, resisting the urge to throw herself into his arms to see where it might lead.
