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“I could swear I heard the piano playing,” Mom said.

“You must have just been having some kind of crazy dream, Luce,” Dad replied.

Amy could hear the laughter in his voice, so she wondered if he might have actually known what was going on, because he always seemed to know things that he shouldn’t.

“I don’t think so,” Mom insisted. “Are you hiding something from me again?”

“Maybe,” he replied. “But only for now. There are a few things I need to check into.”

Harry suddenly appeared in the hallway and shook his head in exasperation once he realized she was pressed against the wall near the kitchen door. “Are you spying again?”

“Of course,” she muttered.

Glancing around, Harry whispered, “Did you hear anything interesting?”

“Maybe,” she whispered back. “I’ll tell you later.”

That sounded like the end of Mom and Dad’s conversation, so Harry and Amy walked into the kitchen together.

When Dad winked at Amy, she instantly realized that he’d overheard her talking with Lex last night. He’d probably still been working in his study behind closed doors since he needed to catch up on his lesson plans for summer school because of everything that had been happening during the past couple weeks.

“Amy? Will you get the eggs out of the fridge for me?” Mom asked. “I’m not sure where Izzy’s at this morning.”

“I think that she and Zane took Caleb swimming about an hour ago,” Harry said. “Since they were taking Lily and Peanuts outside, they stopped by my room to grab Millie and asked if I wanted to go.”

Mom suddenly looked worried, and Amy figured it was because she was concerned about how close Izzy and Zane were becoming.

Dad squeezed her shoulder. “Don’t worry, dear. Zane will be away on tour soon. Izzy understands that.”

Mom nodded. “Harry, since Izzy’s not here, how about setting the table?”

“Sure,” Harry answered.

Chapter Fourteen

When Lex woke the following morning, he was surprised to see that Zane and Caleb must have already gone downstairs.

Glancing through the bedroom windows, he realized why. It looked like half the morning was already over.

Quickly, he made his way down the staircase to the bathroom on the floor below, which he was supposed to be using on his own for a little while longer in case he was still contagious. After undressing and showering, he unpacked some of the things from inside the duffel bag he’d left in the bathroom last night, putting his pills back into the medicine cabinet after swallowing his morning dose of antibiotics. Once he brushed his teeth, he made his way to the back staircase, heading downstairs into the kitchen.

Loading the dishwasher with Amy, Lucy turned when Lex appeared, studying him closely with obvious approval. “There you are. You’re looking really healthy this morning, Lex. How are you feeling?”

Surprised, Lex took a moment to think about it. “Good. Would those antibiotics have really worked that fast?”

“I have a feeling it’s a combination of other things and not just the medication. You’re eating well and you’re getting some normal sleep as well as bathing regularly,” she replied. “Anyway, I’ve saved some scrambled eggs and bacon for you. Let me just heat them up. I’ve noticed that you and Zane seem to like your coffee, so I made another pot. Why don’t you help yourself to some if you’d like and I’ll bring in your breakfast momentarily.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Giordano.”

“Lucy,” she answered, looking distracted as she started heating the plate of food, which she’d apparently left for him in the microwave.

“Here’s a coffee mug, Lex,” Amy said, unhooking one from the rack above the counter and handing it over. “Would you like any milk or sugar?”

“No thanks, Amy. Black is fine,” he answered, giving her a rueful smile. After pouring some coffee, he headed through the hallway into the solarium.

Except for Lucy and Amy, he appeared to be the only one here at the house, he realized when Amy brought his breakfast to the table and rested it before him.

“Where is everyone?” Lex asked, picking up the fork that was lying on the plate.
