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Once they were inside and Lex had removed his coat, Dad pulled him into his arms for a huge bear hug.

Lex hugged him right back.

“I can’t believe we’ve got you through Christmas,” Dad muttered.

“I held back on taking leave so that it would accumulate. I was hoping that there’d come a time when I’d actually manage to get back here for Christmas,” Lex answered softly.

“You’ve been sorely missed around here, Lex. It hasn’t been the same since you left,” Dad admitted, his voice unsteady. “Are you hungry? It would only take a minute to heat up a couple leftover pork chops and potatoes.”

“Yes, I could definitely eat,” Lex replied, giving Dad a smile. “I’ll leave my luggage near the staircase so I can just carry it upstairs when I’m through.”

By the time Lex left his two bags on the bottom step of the back staircase, Dad had carried the dinner plate from the kitchen and into the solarium.

After he grabbed a couple bottled waters from the mini fridge and handed one over to Lex, Dad sat and talked with him until he was finished eating. “Everything almost looks the same around here.”

“Almost. We finally broke down and bought some new furniture for out here.”

“All of it looks great,” Lex said, noticing three matching couches in the family room and two roomy chairs with ottomans, all appearing ready to sink into.

“Lots of space for napping,” Dad said, grinning.

Lex grinned back. “It’s sure good being home.”

“If only we could get you, Zane, Harry and Izzy home at the same time. I probably get to see everyone more than you do.”

“Zane keeps in touch as much as he can, and I talk with Harry and Izzy quite a bit. Strangely, I ran into Izzy in Germany. She’s been flying choppers for some of our rescue missions.”

“It’s good that everyone seems to have found their niche. I only wish that all of you were closer to home.”

“I’ve been pretty homesick,” Lex admitted. “Someday, I’m hoping I’ll be able to do something about that.”

Dad was looking a little teary eyed again, which was pretty unusual, so when they stood at the table, Lex gave him a quick embrace, thumping him hard on the back. “I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too, son,” Dad replied gruffly. “I guess we’d better get to bed.”

“You go on ahead,” Lex replied. “I’ll take care of my dirty dishes and make sure the house is locked up.”

“See you in the morning. Everyone will probably be downstairs and ready to eat around six or seven. We seem to get an earlier start these days.” As he headed into the hallway, Dad turned and gave him a smile. “Goodnight, Lex.”

Where were all the dogs, he wondered, heading up the staircase another ten minutes later. Millie and the girls were probably hard of hearing these days since they were getting older, he decided, since no one had barked when he’d entered the door. Come to think of it, even Brownie was getting up there in doggie years, although the last time he’d talked with Amy, she’d said he was doing great, despite claiming that he definitely missed Lex.

Lex had been able to come home a few other times during the past four years, but each time he’d only been able to stay for a night or two. After finishing basic training, Dad and Mom had come for a visit at graduation before he’d entered tech school.

He reached the top of the staircase. But when he heard a dog bark behind the closed door of his room, Lex realized that Brownie must be inside.

Since Brownie had the freedom to wander through the house, Lex paused, wondering why the door would be closed in the middle of the night.

When he peeked inside, Brownie’s ears perked up and he came scrambling from the top of the bed excitedly to greet him.

“It’s so good to see you, boy,” Lex said softly, bending down on one knee and rubbing behind his floppy ears. “What are you doing in here alone with the door closed?”

But when Lex stood back on his feet, he realized that Brownie wasn’t alone.

Lex grinned. She was still so darn tiny that she barely made a lump under the comforter.

Bending over, he kissed her lightly on the forehead.Damn, she smelled good.

Obviously confused, Amy’s eyes sprang open as she quickly sat upright in the bed. “Lex?Is that reallyyou?”
