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“You sure look cozy. I thought you were only going to study in here?” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Do you mind?” she asked, appearing sheepish.

“Of course not,” he said hoarsely, noticing that her sleepwear had changed drastically during the past few years. “Aren’t you cold wearing that skimpy nightgown? Don’t you usually wear flannel or fleece?”

She snorted. “Maybe like when I was twelve.”

Amy sure didn’t have to remind him that she was nearly twenty-one. It’s something that had been running through his mind constantly during the past year, when instead of enjoying his dates with other girls, all he’d been doing was comparing everyone he met to Amy.

“I really need to get some sleep,” he said gruffly, resting on top of the comforter beside her.

“Well, duh, so do I. I’ve got my last two finals tomorrow afternoon. It would take an hour to warm up my room so that it’s comfortable enough to sleep in.”

She suddenly crept out from under the covers, cuddling up beside him on the bed.

“Can’t I stay here?” she asked, looking into his eyes and batting hers.


“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of me?”

“Not at all.” He snorted before rolling his eyes. “I take that back—maybe I am. But I’m telling you now, nothing is going to happen. I’m going to go take a shower and put on my sweats and a t-shirt and then we’re going to go right to sleep.”

She looked confused. “Then why are you letting me stay?”

“Because after all these years, my feelings for you have only grown stronger.” Lex heaved a sigh, holding her gaze. “What about you?”

She gave him a rueful smile, nodding her head.

“I know guys that are married that don’t keep in touch as much as we do. I’ll be here until after Christmas, and I intend to spend as much time with you as I can,” he replied. “Along with the family, that is. As long as that’s what you want?”

She gave him an impish grin. “I do. Every time I go out with anyone, I always wish it was you.”

Lex sighed, nodding his agreement. “We’ll take our time, then. Maybe something more will happen, but maybe it won’t. We’re going to do this the right way, because when it comes down to it, I’ll still be gone again in two weeks,” he said gruffly. “We’re not getting seriously involved unless we both decide it’s right. You mean too much to me.”

“I understand,” Amy said gently. “Go take your shower. I’ll still be here when you get back.”

“I hope I know what I’m doing,” he muttered as he left the room.

When he heard Amy’s soft laughter as she settled back on the bed, Lex grinned, rolling his eyes upward. Geez it felt good to be here with her.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Amy woke the following morning feeling a deep sense of contentment when she realized that she was wrapped within Lex’s arms, his hands resting lightly beneath her breasts. When she moved her hips to settle closer, Amy knew enough to realize that Lex was definitely aroused.

“What time is it?” he asked softly.

“Probably about seven,” she replied. “How did you sleep?”

“About as well as I expected,” he answered dryly.

She laughed when he groaned as she wriggled against him, attempting to flip over so she could gaze into his eyes.

“This might be a good time for us to have our first kiss,” she whispered as soon as she’d switched positions.

He grinned. “You think so, huh? You’re killing me here, Amy.”

But she was relieved when it didn’t stop him from pulling her closer, resting his mouth over hers as they sank into the kiss.
