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“Yes.” Lex nodded, definitely worried as he undressed down to his shorts and sat on the end of the portable gurney that was being used as an examining table.

Lex noticed that Zane had turned away to give them some privacy. Lex was definitely in worse shape than Zane, so hopefully the doctor would be able to assist him with his discomfort. He’d learned to live with the pain, but it had seemed to be getting worse since the weather had warmed up.

The doctor kept talking as he studied Lex and checked his vitals.

“You know, when I first saw Harry, he told me that everyone was regularly examined by a doctor,” Dr. Donnelly observed.

“We used to be,” Zane admitted, after apparently realizing that Lex was too nervous for conversation. “Sometimes, we were given antibiotics. I’m pretty sure that’s what they were anyway. They used to drug us with some kind of tranquilizer, too. Something must have changed a few years ago though. They started drugging us with stuff they put in the water, and there weren’t as many people keeping an eye on us. Plus, we barely got enough food to survive. I remember one of the guys who was around our age got really sick and we never saw him again.”

The doctor paused, his eyes going wide when he finally got his first glance of Lex’s extremities below the waist. “Lex, I’m going to be giving you a round of antibiotics to begin taking immediately. Although, I think you’re going to need something stronger than what I brought along with me today.”

“Is it what I think it is?” Lex asked dully.

“I’m pretty sure that it is,” Dr. Donnelly answered crisply. “I’ll wait on the results of some of the tests to come back before I give you a definite diagnosis.”

“I’ve had it before,” Lex said, sounding glum.

“Or maybe it never really went away since you weren’t being taken care of properly,” Dr. Donnelly said brusquely. “Boys, I’m so sorry.”

Lex could tell by the look in his eyes that he really meant it.

“I’ll have Michelle return as soon as you’re both dressed so we can take some blood to make sure there isn’t something worse going on. I think I’d like for you to start taking some warm baths while you’re at it as opposed to showers, Lex. We’re going to need to do some pretty intensive tests on both of you, I’m afraid. We should do them as soon as possible. I’ll talk with Gabe and maybe we can make some special arrangements since we apparently have to keep your existence a secret for now.”

“Okay,” Lex answered.

The doctor opened his bag, pulling out some pills and handing them over to Lex. “I keep these in stock at my office since I do a lot of volunteer work. Take them four times a day. Okay? You have a slight temperature too, so maybe a few Tylenol when needed would be helpful if you’re feeling tired—which I imagine you are. We’ll more than likely need to go with something stronger, but I’ll come back and check on both of you in a few days after we have the blood test results to see how you’re responding. Meanwhile, Gabe knows how to get a hold of me if you have any kind of reaction or your fever suddenly spikes.”

Turning away from the doctor, Lex nodded his understanding.

“I’ll go and get Caleb,” Zane said, standing and heading toward the door.

“Just a second, Zane,” the doctor called out. “What can the two of you tell me about him, first?”

“I don’t think he was ever…touched,” Zane replied. “Lex and I were pretty sure that he was going to be handed over to someone soon.”

“How long had it been since he was brought to live with you before you all had the chance to escape?”

Zane looked at Lex. “I’m not really sure. How long do you think it was?”

“I’d say about two months,” Lex answered, becoming thoughtful. “It’s kind of hard to keep track of time in a situation like that.”

The doctor nodded his understanding. “Okay, go ahead and bring him upstairs, Zane, and let Michelle know that she might be needed.”

“Alright, Doc,” Zane answered, appearing suddenly at ease.

Dr. Donnelly was wearing a wry smile when Zane left the room.

Turning back to Lex, he asked, “Have you got any questions, Lex?”

Lex pursed his lips. “How long do you think it might take for me to get over this?”

“It depends on a couple of things,” the doctor replied. “First, I’ll have to see how responsive you are to the antibiotics. Then, I’ll have to see what the tests tell me about the specifics of the venereal disease you might have.” The doctor hesitated. “There could be some future issues, but I’d rather not get into that right now. You’ve been through enough. Let’s just focus on getting you healthy. Okay?”

Lex nodded. “Thanks, Doc.”

“You’re welcome, Lex,” he answered firmly. “While you’re here waiting for Caleb, I’m going to have a quick talk with my wife and have her round up some special soap and other products you should start using when you bathe.”

“Alright,” Lex agreed as he stood from the table and started to get dressed.
