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A few minutes later, Nurse Michelle walked backed into the room, smiling at Lex before Dr. Donnelly took her aside, handing over a list of items he wanted her to fetch from their bags before he took a seat and started scribbling on his clipboard.

After shuffling through their large bags of supplies, Nurse Michelle brought out an assortment of products, handing them over to Lex. “Here are a few other things that will help you feel more comfortable.”

Lex’s look was nervous when he heard the sound of footsteps coming up the staircase nearby.

“That’s alright, Lex,” Michelle said softly. “Right now, we’re the only ones who know what’s going on.”

He hung his head. “Thank you.”

And then, carrying a dozing Caleb, Izzy came walking into the room, followed by Zane.

“I see that Caleb is half asleep.” Michelle smiled at Izzy as she laid Caleb on the gurney. “He might be better off since it’ll be easier to examine him. He’s exhausted, isn’t he?”

“Amy’s made it her mission to take care of him. They’ve been running around the entire day,” Izzy answered, nodding her obvious agreement.

“It reminds me so much of the past, when Amy first came to live with you,” Michelle observed.

“She was so nervous around other people.”

“But she’s thriving now,” Dr. Donnelly admitted, stepping over to Caleb and beginning his examination as Izzy, Lex and Zane each took a seat.

The doctor looked relieved when he was finished.

“Thankfully, all Caleb needs is proper nourishment and care. All of you boys need to go to the dentist sometime soon. Michelle gathered a few essential items like special vitamins, fluoride tablets and some heavy-duty lice eradicator. I’m thinking that you should all have a buzz cut for the summer to make it easier to get rid of them. I know that Lucy’s being careful, but with all three of you constantly scratching your heads, it might spread through the household like wildfire if we don’t nip it in the bud.”

Izzy grimaced.

“I’m going to draw a large amount of blood from all three of you now and then Michelle and I can be on our way. We’ll come back in a couple days after we get the results since I’m a little worried about Lex.”

Dr. Donnelly patted Lex’s shoulder. “I’ll leave it up to you to talk with Gabe and Lucy, but only if you feel comfortable doing it. Or I could talk with them now if you’d like.”

“I might feel better if you did,” Lex answered, apparently much to everyone’s surprise. Lex was feeling pretty worried.

Izzy sat and waited while Michelle had Lex sit on a chair, drawing blood from him first, and then a few minutes later, drawing it from Zane.

Michelle let Caleb sleep as she efficiently inserted the needle into a vein in his arm and worked quickly, gathering several vials of blood from the tube.

“I’ll need some urine samples too, boys,” the doctor said as Michelle handed over some bottles. “We can wait until I return in a few days to get one from Caleb.”

The doctor started packing his bag as Izzy walked up to Caleb, scooping him into her arms.

“He’s still sleeping,” she said to Zane. “While you two take care of business, I’ll bring him back downstairs and let him sleep another hour or two on the couch.”

Zane and Lex both smiled as they followed her from the room and headed to the nearest bathroom in the hallway to unpack all the supplies that Dr. Donnelly and his wife had handed over.

“I think I’ll take a bath right now, Zane,” Lex said as Zane turned to exit the bathroom.

Zane nodded. “I’ll go fetch you another pair of shorts. Apparently, Harry outgrew a lot of stuff, so she left us a whole laundry basket full of spare socks, underwear, and t-shirts up in the bedroom.”

“Thanks. I’d appreciate that. I suppose we ought to keep a laundry basket in here for our dirty things so we can keep everything washed.”

“Good idea. I’ll dump everything out from that laundry basket so we can use it in here. I’ll just leave the clean clothes upstairs on the bed and we can put them away later today.”


“I’d better get some work done in my office since summer school begins on Monday,” Mr. Giordano said as he strolled toward the doorway that led into the hallway. “I see that Lex is at the top of the staircase on his way downstairs, so I think that you guys can handle everything on your own for a while.”

“Your dad’s a teacher?” Lex asked, after saying a few words to Mr. Giordano as they passed each other in the hallway. “I thought he ran the winery.”
