Page 39 of Feel the Heat

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“It is my business but you’re right, it’s not relevant. A little time with me, you’ll forget about him.”

An amused smile curved her lips. “I’ve already explained why dating wouldn’t be a good idea.”

“Because we live in different cities? We can figure that out.”

She rolled her eyes, but she did it patiently. He liked that. “Well, that problem has been superseded by a shit storm that I’d rather not deal with.”

“I told you it’ll all die down, and everyone thinks we’re together anyway. Why not give us a chance?”

“Clearly, you’re not used to taking no for answer.”

“Can’t say I am. It’s one of my most endearing qualities.”

“Sounds annoying for everyone else.”

The heavy clop of footsteps echoed behind them. Torn between irritation at the interruption and gratitude he was putting an end to the desperation portion of the proceedings, he looked up to find Lili’s cousin, Tad swaggering in from the kitchen.

“What’s up, kiddos?” He placed a motorcycle helmet on the table and made a move on the focaccia.

Lili swatted at his hand. “Hey, try asking first.”

He scoffed and snatched the largest piece in the basket. A single bite transformed his face into something close to an epileptic fit. Yeah, it was that good. Once recovered, he divided a look between Jack and Lili. “How goes it?”

A slow, knowing smile lifted Lili’s face. “Could be worse.”

“Well, not to worry, la familiglia’s on the case.”

“No, no, no,” Lili said, her smile evaporating as her hands white-knuckled the table’s edge. “You are not to get involved in this.”

“Too late. Gina’s already mobilizing the troops on Facebook and Twitter. And if you want any input into the t-shirt design, you should get on the blower.”

Lili pulled herself up. “I’d better call her.” She lingered, her gaze locked on her cousin, sending wordless messages that only family this close could comprehend.

Irrational jealousy ripped through Jack as Tad enveloped Lili and whispered in her ear. It should be Jack’s job to comfort her, and not just because he was to blame for her current predicament. With a deep exhale, she drew back, splaying her fingers on Tad’s chest.

“Be nice,” she said quietly.

Tad’s face split into a grin. “When am I ever anything else?”

As she swiveled to saunter off, Jack urged himself not to look. Ah, to hell with that. He drank in that va-va-voom body with more curves than an Italian hill road, only stopping when Tad plunked down in the booth and leveled Jack with a stare of steel similar to Tony’s storm front last night.


“Don’t hold back,” Jack said.

Tad gave a press-on smile, but it made no impression on those flinty eyes. “She knew what she was doing. At the top of my list is the fucker who put up that video.”

Jack nodded grimly. “You and me both.”

“But that doesn’t mean I think you’re completely blameless. There’s some rumor going round the Interwebs that you’ve got a new show in the hopper.”


“And,” Tad dragged out, “after all that Hollyweird shit with your soap opera chick, advertisers might be more open to a guy with a regular girl from the hood, complete with a nice TV-friendly family.” His mouth curled into a sneer. “Not that we’re especially friendly.”

Is that what people thought? More importantly, is that what Lili thought? Evie hadn’t wasted a second.

“That’s a rather cynical viewpoint, and that video doesn’t exactly fit the wholesome image so beloved of advertisers.” He adjusted in the booth, the memory of her hand between his legs sending all his blood rushing hellward. Nope, nothing wholesome about that.
