Page 51 of Feel the Heat

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She snapped her jaw shut, shocked at how he had reduced the last forty-eight hours to its essence like one of his sauces. But the take home was clear. She was just as much to blame. In his immediate orbit, she had no control, so the sooner she escaped this magnetic pull he had over her, the sooner she could get back to her just-fine life.

“Yes, it would have been, and once you leave—” She turned up a shaky palm in query.

“Day after tomorrow.”

So soon? A burning, tight band of steel wrapped around her chest. Somewhere along the pause, he had moved in, putting oxygen at a premium. Butterflies took flight in her belly. “Day after tomorrow, I’ll be fine again.”

“Fine,” he said, his face now so close she could lick her lips and simultaneously swipe his hard, angular jaw.

“So fi—”

Before she could finish, his mouth fitted over hers. It was that easy. Her eyes shuttered on his kiss and in no time at all, his sweet assault became more sure. He followed her Twitter rep’s advice and played glorious grab-ass with her notorious booty. Oh, she loved how he made her feel. So beautiful, so sexy, but also special. His intimate taste enveloped her until it was only him and her heart, now beating wildly.

Stay, she urged with her tongue as she mapped his mouth. I'll be anything you want, everything I can. Her fingers licked the nape of his neck and they both shivered. Hold me, she spoke with her hands. I want to wake up to your warm laugh tickling my ear. The kiss deepened and curled inside her, finding private and untouched places. Love me, she thought as her breath mingled with his. I don't want to be alone tonight.

Knowing her pleas would go unheard, she took from it everything she needed to tide her over for the long night ahead. At last, he released her with a soft “damn,” and they retreated to scant inches apart, a little dazed, a lot dissatisfied.

Neither of them moved for at least five seconds. Maybe eight.

Then the edge of his mouth lifted in…was that cockiness? “Now don’t you think the finer things in life are worth fighting for, sweetheart?”

He wasn’t giving up! This tenacious, infuriating, beautiful man wasn’t giving up, but there was no missing the underlying dare in his tone. If she wanted this, she had to woman up.

Like a sleepwalker, she shuffled back and shut the door. Through the spy hole, she watched him linger, his expression half-swallowed by the shadow in the dimly-lit hallway. She knew he was smiling because she was smiling, and if any kiss deserved a joyful reaction, it was that one.

It didn’t last. Well, it couldn’t, could it? Smile vanishing, she sank to the floor, her body a spineless mess, her stomach knotted so tight it hurt. The challenge had been thrown down; the choice was a minefield. She could get what she wanted and lose him, or give him what he wanted and lose her heart. Either way, it was going to be wonderful.

And then it was going to suck.


“It’s me-ee.” Through the intercom, Cara sounded more shrill than usual, or maybe it was just the indecent hour that made her voice resemble a velociraptor giving birth. She breezed in, eyes bright and perfectly lined. Check. Killer gams tapering to four-inch Manolos. Check. Blonde chignon a la Grace Kelly. Check.

Chilled, chocolatey, caffeinated beverage, which she handed off to a grateful Lili.

After making a five-course meal out of surveying Lili’s apartment with its mismatched thrift shop furniture and cluttered art arrangements, she delivered a love-what-you’ve-done-with-the-place simper. They settled in at the kitchen table, last night’s scene of the crime. Lili suppressed a yawn. Her sleep had been restless, her dreams steamy and all Jack.

“So, how famous are you today?” Cara asked.

Lili was beginning to think she had some sort of self-obsession disorder. Wake up. Shower. Google yourself. How did famous people ever get anything done when there was so much being said about them online?

“Shona Love, the entertainment reporter for Channel 5 wants to interview me.”

Cara frowned. “Probably not a good idea. If she calls again, direct her to me. Let’s keep this about the show. Anything else?”

Lili sighed heavily. “My Twitter stand-in, FatChicksAss says it hears beeping every time it backs up. But on the plus side, I’m getting plenty of offers on the Facebook fan page Gina created.”

Cara’s lovely pout stretched to a grimace. “Do I want to know?”

“Apparently, I have a great future in carnie-themed pornos. Fat ladies and Siamese twins.”

“Is that even a thing?”

Lili sighed. “Jack says I shouldn’t read it.”

“Well, he’s right.” Cara giggled, all sugary wickedness and leaned in, ready for confidences. “Now spill. I want to hear every smutty detail. Is he as good as he looks?”

“I wouldn’t know.”
