Page 67 of Feel the Heat

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The compassion in Lili’s eyes almost undid him. “Sure. Go finish up the show. I’ll take care of her.

“She should eat something,” he said, grasping at the one thing in his control. Jack, provider of sustenance.

A slight smile touched her lips. “I’ll get her some gnocchi. She should have real Italian food, not whatever hash you’re slinging in there.” That tugged a half-grin from him. “And I’ll get someone to take her home to my mom.”

“To your parents’ house?”

“Jack, she’s just come off a long flight, and she’s tired and emotional. She needs a bite to eat and a good night’s sleep.”

She needs her mother. Her aunt had never been the most maternal type, though she had convinced him otherwise years ago. Right about the time she told him he was out of his tree to think a cocky eighteen-year old could ever be a proper parent to an eight-year old girl. She had persuaded him Jules would be better off with them. He had been easy to persuade.

“I don’t want to impose on Francesca,” he countered half-heartedly, knowing all the while that placing his sister in her care was the best solution for now.

“It’s not imposing. Italian mothers live for this. And when she’s rested and...” She fiddled with a button on his chef’s jacket. “And you’re calmer, you two can sort it out.”

She was right, of course. He was in no condition to talk to Jules, and any conversation between them would quickly descend to hurling insults and pulling up past slights. He moved closer and the scent of vanilla and hibiscus, the scent of her, made him dizzy. Even now, with the proverbial shit pummeling the fan like it was going out of style, he reveled in the rush that proximity to her always gave him.

“Thanks,” he said, relief and pleasure flooding him equally. He pressed her palm flush to his chest and her fingers spread, their warmth seeping through the starched cotton. It made no sense, but somehow he knew he could handle Jules with Lili in his corner.

“Jack, there’s something you need to—”

“Hate to break this up, people, but we do still have a show to finish.” Cara appeared at his side, eyes flashing in warning. Bugger.

Servers walked by carrying dessert plates of Tony’s gelato and sorbet combo. Behind those swing doors, Laurent was likely having Siberian tiger cubs. In leaving the cocoon of warmth that radiated from Lili’s body, Jack immediately felt bereft. Perhaps, this was how it would always be when he couldn’t be near her. Wanting something this much couldn’t be right; it could only end badly.

“Good thing this night is almost over,” he said, wiping his damp brow. “Everything’s gone pear-shaped in the kitchen. Dropping stuff, dishes coming back. We taste everything before it goes out, so I’ve no idea what’s happening. It’s like we’re complete amateurs in here.”

Her nose wrinkled. Laurent was spot on. Cute as hell. “Well, about that. We have a problem.”

A shot of alarm buzzed his brain. “What kind of problem?”

“Gina got a little carried away. She added salt to a couple of your dishes.” She gave a sympathetic mouth twist. “Misplaced family loyalty.”

Oh … His stomach plummeted to below floor-level. “How long have you known about this?”

“I was just coming to tell you when your—”

“Because we started getting dishes back about forty minutes ago.”

She managed to pull off baffled pretty well. “It was only supposed to be a couple. I was told nothing had been returned.”

“You were told wrong.” Only supposed to be a couple? There had to be at least ten returns and those were just the ones who had bothered. Add to that the overly-acidic salsa for the lamb chops, which could just as easily have been sabotaged with a quick flick of the wrist.

“As soon as I discovered Gina with the salt—”

“You mean one of your well-trained girls? Don’t blame it on her, Lili. You’re in charge out there, the least you can do is own up to it.”

Her face underwent a run of diverse movements. She was struggling to change gears, grasping for spaces. A couple of the wait staff halted to watch the sideshow. Jerry, cameraman-gone-rogue had decided the action outside the kitchen was hotter than whatever was happening on the line. From the corner of his eye, Jack caught Tony peeking through the kitchen’s doors. He looked concerned. He bloody well should be.

“What the fuck is going on here, Lili?”

Her tongue darted, wetting her plump lower lip. She blinked rapidly and her gaze flicked over his shoulder.

“Could we go somewhere quiet and talk about this?”

“No, we cannot. I want to know why your family felt it necessary to screw with my service. No matter who wins, the restaurant still gets publicity. This didn’t need to happen.” He had to be missing something. He drew closer and crowded her, then cupped her chin. “So Gina came up with this all by herself, did she?”

