Page 70 of Feel the Heat

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“You think I don’t know a slew of chefs in Chicago who’d drop everything to be on Jack of All Trades? I trusted your judgment, Cara, but hey, I have my uses, right? Doesn’t matter what I think.”

“I do not care who wins,” Tony interrupted. “I only care about what is right.”

All eyes shifted to Tony. Jack couldn’t blame the man who was just as much a victim in this ambush. His excellence in the kitchen was matched only by his honor and his love for his family. Tonight, Jules slept in a DeLuca bed, no questions asked, and as much as Jack despised the younger generation’s intrigues, he couldn’t take it out on their father. Hell, he admired him too much.

“The result stands,” Jack said. “Tony’s the winner.”

He insisted the decision had nothing to do with how his heart scrunched at Lili’s clear anguish in the wake of her father’s scolding. Nor how the same maddening muscle lifted when he heard she’d sacked Gina. Tomorrow he would pick up his sister, shake the pasta flour off his feet, and forget the whole freaking lot of them.

Tony threw his hands up in air already thick with tension. “No! I will not accept the benefits of my family’s disgraceful behavior.”

“Dad, it’s Jack’s decision to make. He’s in charge,” Cara said wearily, gathering up the ballots quickly before the boss could change his mind. “We’ve already kept everyone waiting long enough. Let’s not make it any worse than it already is.”

The relief on Lili’s face infuriated and pleased Jack in equal measure. He might say he was doing it for Tony, but they both knew differently. Shit was messed up but that’s what happens when you’re so bowled over you can’t even think straight. When you’re in love.

Holy fuck.

That was … damned inconvenient.

And impossible. Not after three days. Not after less than three days. Infatuated, yes.

Sexually obsessed, definitely.

But in love? Not bloody likely.

Ker-ist. All he’d wanted was a date.

“This is not acceptable,” Tony said to no one in particular, eerily echoing Jack’s sentiments. Being in love with this woman was in no way acceptable.

“Tony and I need a moment alone.” What Jack really needed was to get away from her. His skin felt too tight, every breath felt labored. He slid a sharp glance to Cara who nodded and steered Lili toward the dining room. As she left, Lili sent him a look of gratitude he neither desired nor needed. He fought to get control of his emotions. You are not in love, dickhead. You just need to get laid.

“Tony, you deserve this win. Your menu was superb and to be honest, that gnocchi should win an MVP award. Most valuable pasta.” His words spilled over each other in a nervous tumble.

Tony’s mouth twitched. Almost, almost…nope, the threatening smile never materialized.

Il Duce wouldn’t be swayed by compliments, so Jack took a calming breath and sought safer territory.

“I don’t like what your family did, but I know who won here. And believe me, people love when the famous chef is taken down a peg or three. For me to lose on the premiere episode of my new show and to the father of—” He tripped up when he realized where that was going. The father of the woman I … shut the hell up. “It’ll make for great ratings. Sure, you’re doing me a favor.”

He was buying stock in his own hype now, showing Tony he was exactly what the man despised. A fame hungry mega whore who had dragged his daughter’s reputation through the mud. It’s all about the ratings. But Jack would not back down from his decision. Having some say in how this played out was about all he had left.

Tony unfolded his arms and lay his palms flat on the abraded countertop, the one Jack had caressed the first night he met Lili. He should hate this kitchen but, for a reason he couldn’t fathom, his affection for it had only increased.

“Thank you, I will accept your decision. On one condition,” Tony said, the words incisive jabs to Jack’s thumping head.

Unbelievable. How did they get to the point where Tony could impose conditions? Jack sighed.

“Stay away from my youngest daughter.”

It shouldn’t have hurt but Tony’s demand gouged a pit where Jack’s heart usually lived. What had he expected? Gratitude that he had stopped a shit storm from plummeting down on this man’s livelihood? Acknowledgment that Jack’s decision might have actually saved their business? Tony was looking out for his family and Jack had no choice but to respect that.

Besides, the older man’s sparse request would be a snap.

“Won’t be a problem.”


Lili wasn’t sure how much time passed once the restaurant emptied out the crews, both television and DeLuca. Everyone had descended on O’Casey’s Tap to celebrate the outcome. All she wanted to do was creep upstairs and crawl inside a tub of Cherry Garcia.
