Page 76 of Feel the Heat

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“What do I like?” What did he like? Her. This.

Her and this.

She curled back around to stand before him and cleaved her body to his. “Yeah, what you like. Don’t you like certain things?”

The metallic scrape of his descending zipper almost unraveled him. His cock stretched against his boxers, pushing into her belly and willing her to provide the resistance he needed.

“We can get into specifics later. Right now, I just want to slide into you and never leave.”

Her eyes grew wide like what she was seeing wouldn’t fit in them.

“I thought you’d want something—” She clamped down on her plump bottom lip.

“Kinky? Not for our first time, sweetheart.” A stray thought needled through his lust haze. “Lili, you know all that online stuff about my sex life was rubbish, right?”

“Sure, I knew that,” she said, sounding a trifle disappointed.

He laughed and kissed her deep. “We’re going to figure this out. What you like. What I like. What we both like. There’s no one else in this room but you and me.”

Having to live in the shadow of his tabloid reputation was bad enough, he didn’t need its long fingers in the bedroom. He pushed his jeans and boxers down in one fluid movement and kicked them off. No slouch, she plunked down on the bed, shucking her panties as she went.

“Wow.” Her eyes widened on seeing his erection, now cocked and aimed right at her mouth. She slanted her head to a couple of different angles. He felt like her next art project or a Playgirl centerfold.

“That’s what I’ve been putting up with since I met you, Lili.”

“Poor Jack,” she murmured as her soft fingers wrapped around him. At the slight touch, he groaned, the satisfaction of her finally holding him saturating his senses. But there was apprehension mixed with the desire. He was nervous, something he hadn’t experienced since he was a kid. She had this surreal effect on him.

“I can’t believe I’m finally getting to touch it,” she whispered in mock awe. “Jack Kilroy’s illustrious member.”

“My what?”

“It’s just that you’ve been so stingy. Not letting me play with it, telling me I had to wait. I assumed it must be gold-plated or bejeweled—”

“You’ve got a cheek,” he spluttered while her hands did wicked, wonderful things.

Her thumb glided along the bulging head, spreading the moisture that had beaded at the tip. She bent forward and delivered a chaste brush of her lips that surprised him so much he jumped, but then she raised those killer blues to him, and chaste was nowhere in evidence. Only naughtiness.

An unhurried glide of that luscious pink tongue across her lips, sheened with his pre-come, produced a hum of pleasure from deep in her throat. She liked how he tasted and that turned him on so much he started to shake. She was a chef’s wet dream. His wet dream. A woman who enjoyed the salt and the sweet, the taste of his food and the taste of him.

His dick grew an extra couple of inches on the spot.

She fell to her knees and something inside him broke. She could have stayed sitting on the bed but that simple act of kneeling did it for him right there. She owned him now.

Sweet, butterfly kisses were the opening course along his thigh, then her tongue licked higher with rich, velvet strokes before she took him in her mouth. Christ Almighty, it was all he could manage not to shoot off like an uncapped blender. A recipe. Run through a recipe.

Gougeres. Combine butter, milk, salt—

“Lili.” His hands cradled her head, intending to push her back to retain some grip on his sanity. Instead, he held her steady and planted his feet, digging his toes into the soft carpet.

Anything to stop from thrusting because if he started, he wouldn’t stop and he needed to last. To make it good for them both. Her mouth, wet and warm, slid along his dick in a delicious rhythm. He swept her riotous hair back so he could get a better view of her lips and cheeks as she sucked. So damn pretty. His balls tightened with every draw but he forced his pleasure deep.

“That’s it, love. Just like that.”

He still couldn’t believe she’d chased him down, that she’d been brave enough to see past his bullshit and meet it head on. Because let’s face it, a relationship with him was no pleasure trip along the Seine. He didn’t do anything by halves and he needed a woman who was willing to travel that road with him. A woman who understood that he demanded a similar energy and passion because that was the only way he knew.

It was going to kill him if this wasn’t real.

Real or not, he knew how he wanted their first time to be and as much as he loved what her mouth was doing, there was no way he was getting off like this. Fully primed and teetering on the edge, he coaxed her head back.

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