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"Let's go down," Viaan said, pulling me out of my gawking and placing his hand on the small of my back as we slowly descended the marble stairs. Asha, who was talking to some guests by the end of the stairs, looked up and smiled as we reached her.

"You are looking beautiful," she complimented, giving me a half hug.

"But not more than you, mom," I replied with a proud smile looking at how ravishing she looked in that dress of hers. Viaan entertained the guests who were accompanying Asha. Not much later, I was introduced me to them. They were the owner of a well established tea factory in Darjeeling.

The same thing resumed for the next hour or two before Viaan decided to sit down on one of the sofas put up on the sides of the room for this particular purpose and relax our aching heels. Or rather my aching heels. He was just so sweet that it made my heart melt every time he did something so thoughtful.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asked as I sat down on the fluffy peach sofa and looked up at him.

"Yes, please! That would be so kind of you," I smiled, loving him more for that. My throat felt dry and my heels did not want me to go get myself anything.

He gave me a tender smile and headed towards the opposite side of the huge ballroom where a bartender was juggling the metal bottles behind the counter. I sighed in bliss at the thought of how lucky I had been to land myself a husband like Viaan, my eyes tracing the ring that had been given to me by his family. It was the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen! A gold rose with a sapphire in middle.

I looked up just in time to find a familiar figure of Nishika’s with the excess makeup and slutty green dress, saying something to my husband. Her wide smile and the hug she gave him like he was still single, made something boil inside me.

All her parts almost touched all his parts causing a volcanic eruption to occur inside my head. All that I was seeing now was red and blue because of the anger and the hurt. Angry with the fact that she still hadn't let my husband go and hurt by the fact that I knew she was the love of his life... Still, the anger won over the hurt and wanted me to mark my territory. I was ready for fight, for him, if needed. She might have been something to him in the past but that was before I came along. Now that I was here, she better learn how to step down.

I watched the duo sit on the high stools of the bar and talk like they hadn't talked for eons together. And what pissed me off more was the crowd of girls slowly increasing around him! One by one, other vultures came in to try and grab their desired prey. That was it!

I lost my patience and before I lost my cool, my legs had already carried me halfway across the room. Aaryan came into my line of sight all of a sudden, and tried to talk to me but I was so focused over the hungry hyenas that even he understood not to stall me when I was nothing less than a dispatcher on a mission unless he wanted his handsome little head served on a platter.

Reaching to stand behind the bold bitch who was brave enough to sit beside my husband and feel his bicep with her manicured claws, I schooled my features from a scornful scowl to an innocent sweet one. My mind was conjuring a thousand thoughts at the same time, conspiring against these little competitors that thought that I would sit back and just let them have their way.

"Oh, Divya! They are calling for you there," I tapped on her shoulder and gave her a sickly sweet smile while on the inside I wanted to roast her slowly and painfully on the candle flames.

"My name is Taniya, not Divya," she replied bewildered.

"Yeah, yeah, Taniya. The waiter over there was looking for you saying something about someone looking for you," I pointed at the waiter at the very end of the ballroom who seemed to be searching for someone looking left and right.

Poor thing didn't know what was going to hit him.

Skeptically, she got up looking at me before making her way towards the other end of the room.

Okay, bitches, one down. Three more to go.

I sat in her place and turned towards my husband who was interacting with the other bitches surrounding him but I didn't doubt that he had seen the little trick that I had pulled to chase away one of the clawed eagles who were hoping to steal my husband. After all, I wasMrs.Viaan Raivardhan now.

It pissed me off even more that Viaan did nothing to chase away these vultures. I gave them a fake sweet smile accompanied with my death glares, hoping that they felt awkward and went away.

Go away, bitches! Hands off the merchandise. There were many other fishes in the water, in huge quantities. But this one was mine!

I was about to do something else to attract their attention when all of a sudden the music went off and instead Aaryan's voice echoed through the speakers as he stood by the band and announced, "this is for all the couples that are meant for each other."

He looked at me and winked before adding, "ladies go grab your men. And gentlemen, make the night special for your lovely ladies."

I flushed understanding the hidden intent of Aaryan’s announcement and felt shy. How was I going to ask Viaan for a dance? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

The initial music started and I recognizedDespacitoby Luis Fonsi as I turned to face my husband again but what stopped my poor little heart and filled me with dread was Nishika standing before him with her hand raised in the air, asking for the dance that was supposed to be mine!

"For old times’ sake?" She smiled so radiantly that I wanted to slap her again and again for trying to hypnotize my man.

I wanted to grab Viaan's bicep and drag him towards the stage but looking at him look at Nishika's hand and placing his own in it without a thought, just shot my level of disbelief to a whole new level. And he had the audacity to reply, "for the old times."

My jaw dropped open as my brain stopped working. Had he even thought about me when he placed his hand in hers?

I guess not, when the person you love stands before you, you don't think about anything else other than to be with them. Even if it was just for a few seconds...

Nishika took Viaan's hand and led him to the dance floor. I recognized the dance style she was performing from the moves. Salsa.
