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We hadn't even stumbled the quarter way through the corridor when the footsteps grabbed our attention. Not long after that, a group of people in black uniform had accumulated before us, led by my husband. The guns were pointed in our direction while one of the guns was held against my head by Jimmy. He was only slightly taller than me so he wasn't completely visible to the people before us.

"Weapons down," Jimmy barked with a hint of fear. When none of them showed any sign of following the order, Jimmy grabbed me by my neck and pressed the gun to my temple harder, "I said weapons down, now!"

Viaan raised his hands in a surrendering manner making all his team follow suit as they slowly bent down to keep their guns on the ground. Before anyone could react, a loud bang went off leaving everyone frozen. Something splashed on the sidewall as Jimmy's grip slackened over me as he fell back. Blood poured onto the ground from the side, coloring the light colored carpet. I felt my heartbeat quicken as a shriek escaped my lips. Looking up I found Viaan lift his face with a shocked expression shouting, "Rynah! Get out of there!"

Even before I could process the words or get my panic-struck body to move, another arm snaked around my waist pulling me flush against the belly of the cigarette smelling body. Surya placed the gun on my temple, "I don't think I will need to give another demo about how well I can use this gun. Now, I will only say this once kid, send your guards into that room."

Viaan nodded at the guards, making them open the door of the aforementioned room and walk inside.

"Close the door and lock it," Surya threw a key towards Viaan which he caught in the air and followed the order.

"Viaan," I let a tearless sob bubble out of my mouth making him look at me, "Viaan, he did all those things."

I knew my sentence was ambiguous but Viaan nodded his head replying, "I know. I know everything that he has done. I have known for some time now. Aaryan did a fabulous job I must admit."

His words made me wonder when had Aaryan accomplished such a task?

As if understanding my unasked question, Viaan answered, "on the way to Darjeeling. He took the road to investigate Ravi and other people."

My lips formed an 'oh' in understanding. No wonder Aaryan had been so reluctant to talk about it. They wanted to keep it a secret.

"But I hadn't thought thathewould dare to execute such a plan even after knowing that you are mine," He added further stressing on 'he'. There wasn't any need to be clear about who Viaan was talking about,Surya Kant Nath.

"She was never yours!" Surya yelled from behind making me flinch, "I've been chasing after her for about a decade and you think that you can swoop in between and take her away from me? That's never going to happen!"

"You are an overconfident imbecile, you know?" Viaan's calm tone sent shivers down my spine.

"You couldn't do a thing when we just knew each other. But now that I love her, you think I will stand by and let you do whatever you want?" Viaan’s words made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

He loves me! He said he loves me!

Viaan's eyes met mine and he nodded his head ever so subtly. For the first time, there weren't any words needed. I understood his thoughts, his mind, hisplan.

Summoning whatever strength I had, I pushed Surya's hand that held the gun towards the roof and brought down my heel heavily onto his foot for a better chance. Surya had accidentally pressed the trigger, letting the gunfire towards the ceiling and scaring the hell out of me but none of it affected my courage that my husband had filled me with. I felt undefeatable and powerful in Viaan's presence and that was very much enough for Viaan to take over.

He rolled over the ground, grabbing his pistol, he shot at the arm of Surya rendering him to drop the gun and stagger backward crying in pain before Viaan ran over to deliver a snapu swipe kick knocking the daylight off Surya Kant Nath as he fell on the ground. I had collapsed on the floor without any strength. Viaan walked up to me and sat down wiping the tears that were rolling down my face. The tears of joy. He had found me! And he loved me!

Not wasting another second, I grabbed his collar and pulled him into a kiss which he responded hungrily. His arms went around my waist pulling me closer and mine snaked around his neck, letting my fingers run through his silky soft hair. I must say that he was soaked in his sweat. The body heat of his seeped through my clothes.

The breaking open of the door made us pull away and look at the alpha team pouring out into the corridor.

I was exhausted, to say the least. I let myself sink into Viaan's chest, looking around lazily. Men in blue uniforms marched in. Following them was Neel with two more men in suits who carried the briefcases.

Viaan slowly got up, pulling me up along with him as he asked, "all set?"

"Yes. Every single one of them is being dragged away to the station. The company these guards belong to is being called for an interrogation," Neel informed before turning towards the inspector and pointed at the unconscious Surya before saying, "that's your guy, officer. Take him away."

"It's finally over," I exhaled looking at the scene before me.

"Not quite yet," Viaan whispered before looking towards Neel, "What happened with the Rathore case?"

Neel exhaled in exhaustion before replying, "he died due to a stroke during the trial. As a consequence, the trail was abated with no heir to proceed. We kind of won, indirectly though," Neel shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Viaan closed his eyes as if it pained him to hear it and exhaled out loudly shaking his head.

"Not quite yet," Viaan looked at the officers running in and out of the place leaving both me and Neel puzzled.

"What do you mean?" I asked and the only reply we got was, "follow me."

We needn't be told twice. Viaan gently dragged me through the corridor by supporting my weight, then down the stairs and finally out of the main door. To be honest, it was kind of suffocating inside but now I could breathe again.
