Page 25 of Bad Neighbors

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A few minutes went by, during which I managed to relax but never fully accustom myself to her presence. She fidgeted endlessly, sipping her coffee then setting it down, only to pick it back up again seconds later. Clearing her throat. Shifting her legs. I heard and my brain assessed every sound. Finally, I sighed and unfolded myself, rising to my feet.

“I’m done. Good morning.”

“He speaks,” she muttered.

Ignoring her irritation, I leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Thank you for waiting as patiently as you did.”Not even, but that was okay. “That’s something I need to do every morning in order to be productive later.”

“I’ll try not to be so annoying next time.”

I kissed her again, tangling a hand in the hair at the back of her neck. She tasted like coffee and sweet cream. “Mm. You’ll need to be less so, if we’re going to be together.”

She pulled her head back. “Be together?” One hand came up to rest against my chest, a warning. A brace. “Slow down, speedro. I’m not interested in a relationship.”

“Okay.” I gave her a lazy smile. “You know we’re kind of already in a relationship, right?”

“We’re roommates.”

“Roommates who kiss. And make each other coffee. And watch movies together. And occasionally fold each other’s laundry if it’s sitting around. We’re in a relationship.”I waggled my eyebrows at her. “You’re totally my girlfriend.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I am not, you… you stalker! If I’m in a relationship with you, then I must be in a relationship with all of you, because I… share things… with Galen and Baron, too.” She flushed, no doubt thinking about sharing kisses, but met my gaze boldly.

Stalker, hm. I yawned. “Will you be wearing the pink panties today or the white ones with red hearts?”

“Oh. My. God. You are a freak! What—”

I shut her up with a brief, hard kiss before straightening and heading for the bathroom.Yeah, I am. Your freak.

Chapter 19: Casanova

Dear Casanova,

I kissed a girl and I liked it.I kissed this girl with full awareness that I wasn’t the only one in like with her. Not one, but two of my roommates are exhibiting symptoms of attraction, as well.

That’s not the problem, though.We can handle a little good-natured competition over a female. The problem is in convincing them to look at the situation a bit differently. More permanently. You see, Casanova… she’s kind of perfect for each one of us.

She’s kind of perfect for all of us.

We all see it. We all know it.




Dear Yogi,

This sounds weirdly familiar. Are you the same dude who wrote in a few days ago? Or… ! Are you that dude’s ‘Friend’?

I’m going to tell you the same thing I told him. Communicate with each other. It sounds like a situation that’s rife with potential, but everyone involved is just kind of dancing around the possibilities.

Be bold, Friend.

Seize the day.

Hope this helps,

