Page 21 of Most Of You

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Emil peered one eye open and swallowed heavily. “No. Never.”

“Can I try it on you? I won’t go inside, but it might get a little overwhelming.”

Emil looked completely uncertain, but he nodded anyway. “Alright.”

“If it’s too much, just say stop,” Renzo warned. He used his free hand to pick up the little bullet, and he rubbed his thumb over the flat end before feeling for the button. It was a simple little thing, shaped almost like a lipstick, and he loved using it when he jerked off. It had a gorgeous pulsing vibration that got him exactly where he needed to be when he pressed it against his taint, and he wanted to see exactly how Emil would respond.

The man seemed to melt at the lightest touch, so Renzo didn’t think he’d be able to stand it for long. The button clicked under the lightest touch, and the vibration started against his palm. It was a barely there little pulse, but he was pretty sure that would be enough. Not taking his eyes off Emil’s face, he made his way by feel, lifting his balls and then pressing the bullet to his flush-warm skin.

Emil’s entire body twitched, and his breath left his lungs like it had been stolen from him. A second later, he inhaled, and on the edge of that, he let out a heavy whine, his hips starting to move. “Shit,” he gasped.

“Too much?”

Emil looked at him, his eyes glazed and heavy-lidded. “I-I don’t know.”

Renzo fought back a laugh as he began to gently fuck his fingers in and out of Emil’s slick hole. The sound was obscene and erotic, and Renzo felt his cock throbbing with the beat of his pulse, harder than he’d ever been in his life. He’d never had a man like this.

He’d never had the pleasure of spreading someone out beneath him and taking them apart with a few simple touches. Fuck, Emil must be so starved. He looked at his face again, and something struck him.

Leaning in, he pressed the softest kiss right under his left nipple and whispered, “You are so fucking beautiful.”

Emil’s eyes rolled back in his head, his neck arching. “Fuck. Fuuuuck.” His ass spasmed around Renzo’s fingers, and he looked down to see Emil’s spent cock wet at the tip again.

“Holy shit, did you just?—”

“I think so,” Emil sobbed. He pushed up on his elbows, knocking Renzo back a little. “Too much.”

Renzo immediately tossed the vibe to the edge of the bed and watched as Emil’s shoulders relaxed. “I’m so sorry.”

Shaking his head, Emil dropped back down again, and he brought Renzo with him. He pulled him up—up and up so he had to remove his fingers—and then Emil kissed him long, and hot, and sloppy.

“Please don’t be sorry. Just fuck me. I need to feel you.”

Renzo sure as shit wasn’t going to make this man beg again. Not when it was obvious he’d been tragically neglected for most—if not all—of his life. Fumbling around, he found the condom box and quickly pulled out another one. He was grateful to be so well practiced because he had the thing open and rolled on his dick, the head pressing against Emil’s tight hole, in seconds, and he trembled with the effort to keep himself under control.

“Am I too much?” Emil whispered.

Renzo closed his eyes, the question almost painful to hear. He shook his head, then lowered down and smudged soft, feathery kisses along Emil’s jaw. “You’re perfect. You’re so perfect, and I want to tear apart the people who made you feel like you weren’t.”

Emil’s laugh was half-shattered, and he grunted when Renzo thrust forward, pushing inside him an inch. “I,” he managed, then cleared his throat. “I’m not perfect. Trust me. I’m?—”

Renzo cut him off with another thrust, and then another, silencing him until he was sheathed completely. Emil spasmed around him, his muscles struggling against the intrusion, but Emil definitely didn’t look like he minded. His face was wild with ecstasy, his eyes closed, his mouth open.

Renzo changed the angle a few times on each thrust until he found the one that made Emil groan, an almost animal sound. “Yeah. Like that, gorgeous. Just like that.”

Emil sobbed again as he clenched around Renzo and began to move his hips in tandem. Renzo felt like he was losing himself in the heat of his lover. He felt a sudden wave of panic, afraid for this to end because he knew this wasn’t a forever thing.

It was just a moment—a single night where two men who seemed a little lost found each other.

And that was almost unbearable.

“Kiss me,” Emil begged.

Renzo lifted one hand from the mattress and dug it into Emil’s hair, angling his head so he could take his mouth. The kiss was messy and wrong yet somehow perfect in all the ways Renzo needed it to be. They did little more than tangle tongues and breathe heavily, but it was enough.

At least, it was enough to drag Renzo over the edge. His hips slammed up, shoving his dick as deep as it could go. He took a breath, and then on the exhale, he came. A sharp cry tore from his throat, and he buried it against the side of Emil’s neck, his whole body shaking as his dick pulsed and pulsed.

Emil wrapped tight arms around him, holding him like he was afraid Renzo might disappear, murmuring soft, comforting nothings as Renzo trembled apart.
