Page 62 of Most Of You

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“Fuck, you are so good at that. It’s like you were made to take a dick,” Renzo murmured.

It felt like liquid fire had been poured into his veins, and Emil closed his eyes tight against the sensation. His cock throbbed hard, and he realized that if Renzo moved his hand even for a second, he was going to shoot off.

“You like that, don’t you?” Renzo asked, his voice full of wonder. He squeezed his fingers, but he didn’t stroke. “You like being needy for me. Like that your body was made for taking my dick.”

Emil swallowed heavily. “You…you can’t…I’m so…”

Renzo squeezed a little harder. “I know. I can tell. I can tell how hard you’re trying not to come, sunshine. And I’m so fucking proud of you.”

“Oh God,” Emil groaned. He fell back and laid his hand over his eyes. “Please…please, just…”

“Take pity and let you come? Or take pity and make you stop.”

“S-stop me,” Emil begged. “I’m not ready, but your hand…your body. What you said…”

Renzo let them go, then squeezed tight at the base of Emil’s dick until the imminent orgasm backed off. “There you go. It’s okay, sweet thing. Just breathe.”

Emil obeyed, taking in lungfuls of air and letting them out until he stopped shaking. After a beat, he dropped his hand and felt a painful curl of shame grip him by the throat. “I’ve never been so close before from just…that.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” Renzo told him. He dragged his finger in a circle around Emil’s left nipple, then his right. “And one of these days, I’d love to spend all night edging you into fucking oblivion.”

“Fuck,” Emil gasped. “Please not tonight.”

Renzo smiled and shook his head. “No. Not tonight. We need sleep, and honestly, I’ve been wanting to get inside you since you showed up here. I need to feel you around me. I need to come inside you, like, in the next five minutes.”

Emil went hot again, and he nodded almost frantically, bringing his heels to the bed and spreading his legs as best he could with Renzo sitting on his thighs. “Yes.”

Renzo leaned forward as he shifted his legs behind him, and he kissed Emil before whispering against his lips, “I’m not going to make you beg tonight, but don’t think you’ll be getting off this easy in the future.”

Emil let out an animal noise that came from deep in the pit of his chest, and it seemed to spur Renzo on, who quickly got his hand between them and grazed dry, punishing fingers over his hole. It should not have been hot—it should not have felt good—but Emil’s hips shifted, almost like his ass wanted to take Renzo dry.

“Patience. Just give me a second,” Renzo said on the edge of a laugh. He gently nipped the edge of Emil’s jaw, then pulled back, leaving him very cold and alone.

Emil knew the sudden, acute feeling of abandonment was just the ugliness in his mind trying to convince him he hadn’t earned any of this, so he ordered it to fuck off while Renzo rummaged around his nightstand.

He had obviously meant what he said because he only took half a second, and then he was back with slick fingers, easing one of Emil’s knees toward his chest as he pushed inside of him. Emil made a sound he didn’t know he could make—somewhere between a gasp, a groan, and a sob. He shifted his hips, his cock filling out, impossibly thick and leaking steadily from the tip.

He didn’t know what to do with his hands, and eventually, he just grabbed his dick and held on, praying to God he wouldn’t embarrass himself before Renzo could slip inside him. After a beat, Renzo stretched him gently with tiny pulses of his hand, and Emil forced his eyes open and looked at him.

Their gazes connected, and Emil’s heart started beating so hard it almost felt like he had two in his chest. He rubbed his free hand over his sternum, then reached up and tugged at Renzo until he leaned in. He was entirely unprepared for the way Renzo softly grazed lips over his eyelids, his nose, then his cheeks before taking his mouth in a lush, wet kiss.

Emil was falling too hard and too fast. How was he supposed to keep Renzo at arm’s length? How was his entire life not supposed to become about this man? He felt possessed, obsessed, wrecked, and defiled, and Renzo hadn’t even fucked him yet.

“Please,” he managed to gasp. He needed something to distract him so he didn’t say something stupid, like start professing his undying love.

Renzo’s eyes crinkled with his grin, and he reached between them to roll his condom on and slick himself up.

Emil stared for a second, then carefully wriggled out of his grasp. At Renzo’s frown, Emil turned away, gripping the headboard as he presented his ass. “Like this. Please?”

He said a silent prayer that Renzo wouldn’t ask, and apparently, the universe was feeling generous because all Renzo did was spread Emil wide, then blow a hot puff of air over his hole. Emil felt it twitch, felt his body begging without his permission.

Renzo let out the smallest moan as he rubbed his thumb over him, then finally got to his knees and lined himself up. “Ready for me, lovely?”

Emil shuddered, then nodded. “Make it hard, okay?”

Renzo didn’t answer with words. Instead, he answered by gripping Emil by the hips and slamming inside of him. The burn was intense—pain and pleasure all wrapped up in the glorious explosion that happened when Renzo hit the perfect angle on the first thrust. Emil buried his shout in the pillow, hoping he wouldn’t wake Matty, and he did his best to swallow back his second groan when Renzo pulled out almost all the way, then slammed back in.

It was by some miracle Renzo’s bed was far enough from the wall that it didn’t slam into it because the entire bed shook with the force that Renzo used to fuck him. Emil’s vision whited out just a few seconds in, and his entire existence shrank down to the wild ecstasy that was swimming in his veins.
