Page 73 of Most Of You

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Emil wanted to see. He craned his neck and arched his back, but the only view he got was of Renzo’s stomach muscles clenching as he fucked Emil within an inch of his life. His vision went blurry, and his balls began to tighten as he felt himself reach the edge.

“Gonna come,” he gasped.

Renzo’s body moved forward, his hand coming around to grab him by the dick, and Emil only just managed to hold up his own weight as Renzo began to stroke him in a fast, furious rhythm. Everything whited out, and it took him a second to realize he was coming before the full force of his orgasm hit.

A strange noise left his chest as he let go, and his arms gave out just before his knees did. His body went boneless, and Renzo used his own to press down, fucking into him in short, shallow thrusts until he was gasping. Somewhere, in the haze of it all, Emil felt Renzo’s dick thicken, and then his insides went hot as Renzo’s come filled the condom.

In slow motion, everything stopped, and all that was left was their stuttered breath and the occasional, careful kiss Renzo laid over his shoulders. Renzo rolled to the side, letting Emil drop his legs to the floor, and his lungs filled with air.

He was still dazed from everything, but in the back of his mind, he knew he couldn’t lie there forever.

“Is Victor going to murder me?”

Ah, he thought.Right. He had parts of his life to get on and closure to find with his past. He blinked his eyes open, then turned his head and found Renzo lounging against one of the throw pillows. His cheeks were pinked, and his hair was mussed. He was the most beautiful thing Emil had ever seen in his life.

“I like you so much,” Emil whispered.

Renzo curled his hand around the back of Emil’s neck and drew him in for a soft kiss. “I like you too. You promise you’re coming back?”

“I promise. I need to finish this so I can finally start living.” His tongue felt loose, his heart vulnerable, but he also felt the safest he’d ever been. He shuffled closer and kissed Renzo again. “Promise me you’ll be waiting?”

Renzo smiled, then traced a line over Emil’s jaw. “I’ll be waiting.”

And that had to be enough.


Emil took a long dragoff his cigarette, watching as the smoke drifted from his lips. He’d quit so long ago, and he had no idea why he was bothering with it now. He told himself it was better than drinking—because the craving for a decent scotch and the fog that would come from it was almost unbearable. But he had a long video session with Sarah and was able to cancel his bottle service order to his room.

Kicking his foot up on the chair, he leaned back and stared across the empty pool. It was cold, but not nearly as cold as back home. It made him want to laugh because he’d been living in Providence for a fraction of his life, the time measured in months, but he felt entirely unused to the West Coast now.

The air was thick after a heavy rain, and it smelled like ocean brine. He thought it would make him more nostalgic, but instead, he just felt a violent wave of agony, missing Renzo with a ferocity he didn’t think was possible. It had been forty-eight hours since he’d landed, and they’d talked at least half a dozen times, but it wasn’t enough.

Emil had a meeting with his attorney in the morning, and he was anxious. He didn’t actually give a shit what Charlie did to him or what he had to say. He didn’t care if somehow, this whole thing made him go broke. He just wanted to go back and be with the only people that really mattered.

Leaning forward, Emil scraped the lit cherry from the half-smoked cigarette on the ground, then moved to stand when a buzzing in his pocket stopped him. He wasn’t expecting it to be Renzo, but he was hoping, so he quickly fumbled for his phone, heart sinking when he saw the name on his screen.

“Dad,” he said by way of answer.

“Are you drunk?”

Emil almost laughed at the absurdity—but the feeling only lasted a second because of course his dad would think that. “Sober, actually. A few months.”

There was a long pause, and then his dad sighed and slipped into Norwegian. “Court ordered? You know I have plenty of lawyers on my team who can take care of that for you.”

Emil hadn’t spoken the language in so long it took his brain a second to recalibrate and process what his dad was saying. Then he rubbed his face and tried not to give in to his urge to tell his dad he was just as bad as his mother had been. “Personal choice. Don’t worry about it.”

His dad hummed. “Well, I just heard about the lawsuit.”

“Are you calling to berate me?” Emil asked.

“I’m calling to see if you need me to send someone for you. I know you have a trusted team, but I’m not sure you’re in your right mind right now. After selling everything off?—”

“You did the same thing,” Emil interrupted.

“I sold them to you.” His dad went suddenly quiet. “Emil, is there a child who you’ve been keeping from me?”

The thought was far too comical for him not to laugh. “Are you serious? You think after everything I went through, I’d bring a child into this world?”
