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“I am. That’s why I’m here. Your partner’s been doing dirty business deals, my friend,” Lorenzo says to Rex.

“I’m not your friend,” Rex snarls. “Friends have this thing where they don’t point guns in their face to try and get them not to leave.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Lorenzo grins maniacally, waving one of his guns around. “It’s not okay for friends to point guns at one another. But tell me this, counselor, are lawyers in the habit of stealing money from their clients?”

“Yes,” Rex says emphatically. “It’s an actual crime, and if that’s what’s happened, you have Owen arrested. You get him disbarred. You don’t break his body into pieces–”

“Don’t tell me what to do, Remington. I have a reputation that gets to places long before I do. If I let some sniveling little weasel steal from me, what do you think that does for my business relationships? Huh? He deserves much more than broken bones, which is exactly what he’s going to get after he gives me my money.”

“This is so stupid,” I huff out.

Lorenzo hears me and tips his head to look around Rex at me. “What was that, Raina? What’s stupid?”

“You, being here, thinking that this is going to end in any other way than with you being arrested,” I tell him.

Lorenzo laughs loudly, a little too hard for my tastes. His arrogance borders on cocky as he speaks. “You think I’d be here like this if I didn’t have an ace up my sleeve?”

“Let it alone, Raina,” Rex murmurs to me.

I nod and take a seat next to Kelly. The sound of my phone ringing is jarring against the silent anticipation of everyone in the shop waiting to see what happens next.

Lorenzo picks it up off the glass display case. “Raina Olsen’s phone. Is this the person who has my money?”

“I have your money, Lorenzo,” Owen says loud enough for the entire shop to hear. “I’m pulling up to the shop, but you have to come outside to get it. It’s too heavy.”

“What do you mean too heavy?” Lorenzo asks.

Owen continues to shout. “I mean, that I have a broken leg and three cracked ribs thanks to you. The bag is too fucking heavy. Bring your ass out here and grab it from my car.”

Lorenzo hangs up my phone and puts it on the counter before pulling out his own. I can’t hear what the other person is saying this time, but I hear Lorenzo speaking with authority to them. “That was too quick to have an ambush waiting. Make sure there aren’t plans for the roadways out of Colwood once I get out of here.”

He ends the call as a black sedan with heavily tinted windows pulls to a stop in front of the shop. Lorenzo looks at us with a crooked smile as he leaves, waving his guns at us. “Thank you all for your cooperation.”

The minute Lorenzo steps outside, dozens of people seem to come out of nowhere. Navy blue jackets with federal agency initials come out of the woodwork, tackling Lorenzo and removing every firearm on his body. Owen actually gets out of the car and limps his way into the shop as agents haul Lorenzo away.

Rex turns to me, holding my face in his hands as he inspects me for any damage.

“I’m fine, Daddy. I swear.”

He kisses me gently. “Good, baby girl.”

Owen approaches us with his hands up. “You all have my sincerest apologies for this.”

“Explain, Owen. Now,” Rex tells him.

Owen sighs and nods. “I owe you all that much. I was approached months ago after I filed a motion on behalf of one of Lorenzo’s associates. I’ve been working with a friend of mine at the FBI to get a paper trail on Lorenzo’s money laundering businesses. Local cops are on his payroll.”

Rex runs a hand over his head. “That’s why you said you didn’t want me to call the police.”

“Yeah. I’m sorry, Rex. They were using me as bait to lure Lorenzo and the corrupt cops out, but all of this happened. They’re sure they can get Lorenzo to roll over on the cops once they tell him what I have in those ledgers.” Owen huffs out a breath before turning to Angel and Avery. “I really am sorry to you all. I have a bad habit of dragging people into my mess. I’ll be out of your hair soon.”

“Soon?” I ask him.

Owen offers me a timid smile. “Yeah. I was kind of hoping I could stay with you for the night? The nurse I met wants nothing to do with me, and my place is probably in worse shape than the office. I want to give the feds enough time to round up Lorenzo’s crew. They can have a car parked outside until they move me into witness protection tomorrow.”

Rex turns to me. “What do you say, baby girl?”

“I guess that’s okay with me.” I shrug. The adrenaline dies down as exhaustion kicks in. I glance over to Kelly who’s still sitting with wide eyes at the drama unfolding in front of her.
