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Raquel and Rebecca share a sisterly look before they shrug their shoulders and laugh at me with Rebecca stating the obvious. “Well, Dad, Mom toldyouto watch them. You’re the one who took a nap. You’re in more trouble than any of us because you’re the grown-up.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Point well-argued, counselor. I will throw myself on the mercy of the court.”

They giggle and point behind me. My beautiful wife, mother of my children, and love of my life is standing in an impeccably made suit as she’s coming in from a meeting with a client. I turn around to face our children.

“Alright. Rebecca, get your equipment out of the garage. Rock, do me a favor and just run the bath water for me. I’ll be right up to bathe them both.” I turn to Raina, walking over to her slowly to help her out of her coat.

“Don’t you dare.” She cracks a smile. “You promised you’d keep them out of trouble.”

“We’re not in trouble, Mommy. Dad is because he’s the grown-up,” Riley says to her.

I shrug and eye my children like the traitors they are before turning to my wife. “Babe, I dozed off for like a second.”

“More like the entire second half of the Buckeyes,” Rebecca tosses in.

“Hey.” I glance at her over my shoulder. “I’m going to remember you throwing me under the bus when you’re 16 and trying to sneak in but can’t and need my help with Mom.”

Rebecca tosses her head back with obnoxious laughter. “I’m never going to sneak out, Dad. There’s motion sensors on everything.”

That makes Raina laugh, and it’s the perfect sound. I rally the kids, getting Rebecca off to softball, Raquel to ballet, and the tattoo twins in the tub and down for a nap. By the time I finish, Raina’s sitting on the couch in her robe watching TV. A few streaks of gray twinkle like tinsel hiding in her blonde strands. I love her more than anything.

“Hey, baby girl. You want to see if Owen can come by and sit with the kids for a few days next week? I want to take you to the cabin. Let’s get away from the chaos a bit.”

“Don’t you have meetings scheduled next week? You’re consulting with those law firms on how to grow their clientele, right?”

I pull her close to me, and she shrinks away. “What’s the matter, baby girl?”

“I’ve been putting on weight like crazy. I’m just not feeling like myself lately, Daddy.”

I hook a finger under her chin. “I love everyextrapound you put on. You’re perfect to me, always have and always will be. You’re allowed to put on weight after pushing babies out. I love you and I just want you to be happy. Whatever you need me to do to make that happen, I’ll do it.”

“I know you will, Daddy. I love the way you love me and our family. I wouldn’t want to do life with anyone else.”

“You’d better not. Now, bring that delicious ass over here. I’m going to make you come all over my tongue to make sure you know how much I mean every word that comes off it.” I grip her under her thighs, making her robe fall open, and lick my lips.

“Oh, Daddy. What about dinner?”

“Baby girl, I’ll take care of it as soon as I take care of you.”

The End.
