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When he looks at me, there’s a fire in his eyes that my body responds to. I try to brush the feelings aside because they’re so wrong. He’s a criminal and a powerful one at that. He's a criminal, yet I'm instantlyattracted to him. I don’t know what to make of it.

Dominic is notorious in the department, and I remember other officers telling me stories about times they tried and failed to bring him in. His reach is long, and it spread into every level of our judicial system. There’s a reason none of the Dons from the DeLuca family have ever been charged. Money can fix a lot of problems, and the DeLucas had no shortage of that.

Both of us stand on the elevator together while we ride up to Dominic's floor. It's a short ride, but while I'm looking ahead, I catch a glimpse of him in the reflection on the door staring at me. His eyes climb over my body—starting from my legs to the back of my head. My whole body warms at the attention, almost feeling the way his eyes are caressing me. I soak in the feeling, savoring the idea that someone like Dominic could be attracted to me.

The elevator doors open and Dominic gestures for me to walk ahead of him. His eyes have been glued to me, and I like it more than I should. Normally, I feel uncomfortable getting attention like this from men. There have been a few guys at the department who have tried to take me out, but I always turn them down.

I wanted to become a cop because of my father. I never actually got to meet him since he died while my mother was pregnant with me. All my life I've heard stories about how heroic he was. I idolized him and even slept with a picture of him in uniform by my bed my entire life. Being a cop and following in his footsteps has been my dream for as long as I can remember.

Throwing away my dream for some guy at the station isn’t an option. It's hard enough to earn the respect of the men in my department, I can't risk throwing away my reputation. However, within minutes of meeting Dominic, I start to question all of that. My body goes haywire when he’s around, and it throws me. I like it, but I'm not used to it.

“Your desk is right here,” he says, leading me across the large room to his office. There’s one round desk in the center of the room, with plants and flowers lined up on the side along with picture frames of young children and family portraits. On top of that, there are bags under the desk belonging to someone else. It's obvious that somebody works here.

“Thank you,” I say, not wanting to bring up my concern and fuss over it.

I take my seat behind the desk and wait for further instructions from Dominic. His eyes are still on me, that same glimmer is inside of them as he watches me. I'm more aware of every breath I take than I've ever been in my life. Dominic can't take his eyes off me, and I suddenly realize exactly why he pulled me from Paulie's office.

He wants me to work for him because he’s attracted to me, and I can’t deny that I feel the same way about him. It makes me nervous nonetheless. Regardless of how I feel, the opportunity to get information out of him is too good to pass up.

Dominic might not know it just yet, but this little promotion would be his undoing.



Daniella is a mystery to me and one that I can't wait to unravel.

Looking at her is a treat in itself, but seeing her reaction to me is intoxicating. I know this attraction is mutual—the thickness in the air, the electricity zapping through the space between us. Her body language gives away everything she's feeling. Not only have I grown up in a casino, I’ve been raised around criminals. No one can read another person’s tells better than me.

“I’ll just give you a quick rundown of what you’re supposed to do,” I say to her, walking around the desk to lean over her shoulder while I train her.

Her body tenses as I move closer. My hand rests on the back of the chair, softly brushing up against her back every time she moves. Her soft hair tickles the back of my hand, and my mind instantly trails away from the training. For a moment, all I can think about is bending her over the desk and pulling her hair while I make her scream my name over and over.

Daniella leans back for a moment while I'm looking down at her, and I get a clear view down her shirt. Holy fuck. Fires light along my nerve endings, and my cock strains against the zipper of my pants. I can just make out the color of the bra she's wearing and a clear visual comes to the forefront of my mind. She catches me staring and holds my gaze instead of calling me out. If I didn't know any better, I would think she likes me looking.

“I think I have the hang of it,” she says with a smile, still staring up at me.

I nod to her and reluctantly pull myself away to go back to my office. Luckily for me, the walls of my office are glass so I can look over them and catch glimpses of her whenever I please. I thought the view of the city skyline was impressive before Daniella was sitting within my sight.

My computer dings, and I tear my eyes off Daniella and look to see what it is. I had left Paulie’s office in such a hurry that I never had a chance to discuss the reason I went there in the first place. The messages are all from him, asking me why I went to see him. There’s an annoyance in the tone that bothers me. I know he’s probably upset about what happened, but it isn’t his job to talk back to me.

I respond to his messages by telling him we’ll talk soon, but he urges me to message him instead by claiming he doesn’t have time to wait. Paulie has all the time in the world to wait. I pay him well enough to be available for me when I need to talk to him. I don’t respond to his messages. In my line of work, we don’t leave a paper trail like that. He should know better.

A light knock on my door grabs my attention, and I look up to see Daniella slowly opening it and peeking her head in.

“Mr. DeLuca–” she begins, her soft voice just a nervous whisper.

“Just call me Dom, please.”

“Okay, Dom.” She smiles as she says my name. “I was wondering if it would be alright for me to go back down to the party?”

The party. I’ve forgotten all about it since seeing her for the first time. The annual holiday party had been a tradition at the casino since my father was in charge of it. The staff looks forward to it every year, and as part of the tradition, I’m supposed to give a toast.

I need to go back to the party myself, but I want to stay in my office alone with Daniella just a little longer. Getting to look at her, with no one else around like she was on display just for me, is exciting. Now that she's standing in front of me, my eyes linger on her legs. I'm not making any attempt to hide my gaze. Daniella can see as clear as day that I'm admiring her body, and she's not doing anything about it.

“Of course, but before you go…” I say, calling her over to me. She walks right over and stands in front of my desk. “Do you know how to add a function in a spreadsheet?”

“I think so.” She scrunches her eyebrows and purses her plush lips as she speaks.
