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I find myself tidying my car for an inordinate amount of time after I park around the back next to Theo’s car, wishing that, somehow, he would need to come back outside, and he and I could go face Liz together. She’s a force to be reckoned with, and somehow, it’s easier to manage her when Theo’s there.

Which shouldn’t be the case. I’m a grown woman. I don’t need him or any other man to face Liz.

It’s just that he has a way of putting people at ease—sometimes myself included. I can acknowledge that as fact.

And before I know it, I’ll be moved in upstairs and Theo will be working right next door.

I’m not sure how I feel about that, and rather than sit and analyze, I decide to head in to see what Liz wants since Theo hasn’t magically appeared.

I enter the shop, sling my apron on over my head, and can already hear her chatting with Camilla while I tie it on.

“Good morning!” Liz and Camilla both say to me, and then they drop their heads back in laughter.

“I heard her knocking and wondered if you’d parked in the front for some reason,” Camilla says to me. “But no, it was Liz and she’s come to track you down.”

“Great.” I offer a smile.

“Have you heard? About you and Theo?” Liz asks, beaming.

Anything involving Theo and I sends a thrill up my spine. And not necessarily the good kind of thrill. “No. But I’m hoping from your expression that it’s good?”

Liz bumps out a laugh, types on her phone, and then hands it to me. “Look. We ran a few Facebook ads for the festival, standard procedure you know, and look at the comments we’ve been getting.”

These two are HOT.

If guys actually looked this good in frock coats back in the 1800s, then where’s a time machine? Because . . . dang!

Is anyone else hoping these two are a couple in real life? #relationshipgoals

“My personal favorite is . . .” Liz joins me behind the counter and scrolls down with her finger. “If the Victorian guy and his lady are actually going to be at the festival, I’ll come every day.”

“Wow,” I say. “This is shocking.”

“Over two hundred comments! And counting.” Liz beams again and then puts her arm around my shoulders. “Thank you for being willing to do this, Aria. I had a good feeling about you two, and already, you’re exceeding my expectations.”

“I hope it helps,” I say. “Have any of the booths who withdrew decided to come back?”

Liz’s face twists in frustration. “Not yet. But I’m hopeful they will. Or that we get even better ones signed up. We’ve reopened signups as of this morning, so that should get people talking. We’ve never done that before, and I think there are a lot of people who will jump on the opportunity.”

“I bet that’s true. Are you still getting fallout from the scandal?” I have to force a breath of air in my lungs. I read a few articles calling for a criminal investigation and some op-ed pieces wondering how the committee could have been so blind to these issues with Shoes and Dues for so long. If this trial by public opinion continues, there won’t need to be a criminal investigation. People will boycott. And the festival might not survive.

“Some,” Liz says. “But we’re trying to stay positive. Keep our nose to the grindstone and not worry too much.” She takes a deep, cleansing breath. “For tomorrow night’s meeting, we’d love to hear your plans for the VIP dinner and more about Santa’s Helpers.”

“Of course.” A flash of panic hits me. I can’t get this wrong. I must be worthy of the blazer!

Thoughts of Theo in his blazer come up, unbidden.


“Good,” Liz says. “We’ll see you then. And don’t forget Friday’s event.”

Those comments about Theo and me have scrambled my brain, so it takes me a moment. “Oh! The night for the press, at Barrie Mansion?”

“Exactly. We’ll need you there at six to get ready for the seven o’clock start time. Lots of details to go over so you can answer the press’s questions. We’ll have a few of our long-standing vendors there. And the high school concert choir will be there to sing a couple of catchy Christmas tunes. We’re having one of the bus drivers bring over the risers Friday after school.” Liz exhales and her mouth turns down in a frown. “Lots to do!”

I nod. “We’ll be there.”

“And thanks for your help with the rebranding. I know our marketing head appreciates the projects you’ve accepted so far.”
