Page 56 of Christmas Crisis

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There was a long silence, before Joe said, “Don’t worry. We won’t let that happen.”

They wouldtrynot to let that happen. But Elly knew anything was possible. Especially since they were dealing with a man with no heart and no soul.

But she kept her thoughts to herself. Because she had no choice but to trust in Joe and Steele’s skills.

And of course, she had faith in God’s strength and wisdom.

That thought helped ease her anxiety. She wasn’t in control, God was. She would trust in Him and His plan for them.

Whatever that plan might be.

“Turn!” Joe’s shout came a split second before Steele cranked the wheel. Unprepared, she lurched sideways, her head bouncing against the door.

A sharp crack of gunfire rang out, followed by a muffled thunk as the bullet struck the vehicle.

“Go!” Joe shouted. Not that he needed to as Steele hit the gas, sending the SUV speeding forward.

It wasn’t easy to keep her head down, unable to anticipate his next move. She reached out and grabbed the door handle, trying to keep herself from flopping from one side to the other like a dead fish.

Then she caught the strong scent of gasoline.

“Tank is hit; we’re losing fuel,” Steele said in a clipped tone. “Call Brady or one of the other Finnegans. We need back up ASAP.”

“Brady, where are you?” Joe’s voice was calm. “We’ve been hit by gunfire and need backup.”

There was a long silence as Joe listened. The car continued to make one sharp turn after another until she feared she’d be sick.

Then Joe said, “Good. We’ll head there, thanks.”

She wasn’t worried, she knew Brady or one of her other brothers would come for them.

The only question was when. And if her siblings would get there before the gunman tracked them down.

* * *

Joe was hangingonto his temper with an effort. Getting angry was useless. They’d figure out later how they’d been found. Their only priority was to get Elly to safety.

Before running out of gas.

“Do you know where Rosie’s Diner is?” Joe asked Steele.

“Yeah.” Steele’s expression was grim. “Not sure we’ll make it that far.”

“We can walk the last mile or so if needed.” Joe had been doing his best to be on alert for another threat. Thankfully, he’d glimpsed the shadow up in the tree in time to avoid a direct hit.

But still not soon enough to avoid their vehicle being damaged.

Without warning, the vehicle began to slow. Steele thumped the steering wheel with the palm of his hand in frustration. “Come on, come on,” he muttered.

“Turn left.” Joe had noticed a sign indicating there was no through traffic. A dead-end street was probably the best place to leave the car. “We’ll walk from here.”

Steele cranked the wheel. The vehicle rolled slowly, then came to a stop. “This is the end of the train.”

“That’s fine. Rosie’s is only a mile away.” Joe pushed out of the car door, then opened the rear door to let Elly out. “Maybe less if we take shortcuts.”

“Fine with me,” Steele agreed.

“That’s a little risky, isn’t it?” Elly asked. Joe noticed her fingers were shaking as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Someone might call the cops.”
