Page 57 of Christmas Crisis

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“No matter. We are the cops.” Joe managed a reassuring smile. “Can you make it a little farther?”

“Of course.” Despite her pale face and trembling fingers, she looked determined. “I’ve heard about Rosie’s, apparently it’s Colin’s favorite place to eat breakfast, but have never been there.”

He was glad she was holding it together. At least for now. He didn’t doubt that reaction would set in at some point.

And he silently vowed to be there for her when it did.

“We’re going to use the same formation,” he told Elly. “You follow Steele; I’ll cover your back.”

“Okay.” He was glad she didn’t argue.

Steele scanned the area, then chose a path. Elly didn’t hesitate to follow. Joe stayed close to Elly, trusting his teammate to get them to Rosie’s.

It was a good thing dark clouds hovered low on the horizon. He’d take whatever bit of camouflage he could get.

They moved through one backyard after another. At one point, Elly stumbled. He grabbed onto the back of her coat, hauling her back upright. She tossed him a grateful look over her shoulder. He almost told Steele to slow down but decided against it. They couldn’t afford to linger. Being on the move was the best way to stay ahead of this guy.

How on earth had they been found at four separate and distinctly different safe house locations?

He didn’t have to wonder what Rhy would say about this. He already knew. They had to have been followed or tracked somehow.

And they needed to figure out how before they moved on.

After ten minutes, Steele slowed, glancing back at him. Steele gestured toward the gas station, and he nodded in agreement.

Once they were safely behind the building, Steele asked, “Rosie’s is another seven to eight blocks from here. Do you want to keep pushing forward? Or see if Brady can come here to pick us up?”

“Quinn and Sami are the ones meeting us at the restaurant,” Joe said. “Brady and Marc are still tied up at the bureau.”

Steele nodded. “I know Sami. She’s a great cop.”

“Yes, she is,” Elly said.

He glanced at his watch. “I agree, but I don’t think they’re at the restaurant yet. Let’s keep going.”

Elly had been leaning against the building, looking out of breath. When she realized Joe and Steele were looking at her, she straightened and lifted her chin. “I can go another seven blocks, no problem.”

He wanted to haul her into his arms for a kiss. He admired her spunk in the face of adversity. In the face of a seemingly never-ending threat.

Elly may be the baby of the Finnegan family, but she had the same grit and determination as the rest of them.

“Ready?” Steele’s question pulled him from his thoughts.

“Lead the way.” He rested his hand on the small of Elly’s back, gently urging her forward.

They didn’t have to cut through people’s yards anymore, as there were businesses lining each side of the street. He watched the traffic closely as they headed down the sidewalk.

Steele did take a few extra turns, taking them out of their way. If Elly was upset about the extra walking, she didn’t let on.

Finally, Steele crossed the street to Rosie’s. The diner wasn’t large, but Joe noticed there were several people sitting at booths inside. People going about their lives as usual as if there wasn’t a crazed shooter on the loose. Steele held the door for them. Joe followed Elly inside, grateful for the warmth that enveloped them.

“Ach, who have we here?” A distinct Irish brogue had him glancing toward a round woman carrying a tray of what looked like fresh apple turnovers. “Another Finnegan, ain’t ya?”

“Me?” Elly looked confused. “Um, yes.”

“Aye, lass, you look like Colin and Aiden, don’t ya?” The woman beamed. “Let’s get you a table.”

Joe stepped forward. “You must be Rosie. We have Quinn and Sami joining us.”
