Page 119 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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Every breath I took seemed too loud as the Pit became darker and darker around me. I held Arankos ready, placing my feet carefully, ready for the Pit to give way under me or for-

A rush of teeth and claws pounced over me, coming out of the complete silence to my right. I was thrown to the ground with a hard thud. I spun onto my back, watching as the wolf doubled back on itself to charge at me again. I raised my sword just as it leapt at me, skewering it between the ribs.

There was a sharp yelp, and the wolf slumped over me. I shoved it away from me, pulling my sword from its body, and backed away from it. I had to be more careful. If these wolves had excellent hearing and could move so fast and silently, I needed my wits about me.

Gods, where was Nesryn? Where was she hiding that she was staying out of reach of these wolves? I hoped she’d received the same training Rook had been privy to. She’d need it in here.

I edged forward as rain began to fall harder. I blinked it off my lashes, wiping my brow with the back of my hand.

There was a thundering of paws behind me, and I turned in time to see the wolf crouch down as it prepared to leap. With a roar, it launched itself at me, and I swung my blade into its snout. It yelped and gnashed its teeth as blood dripped from its injured mouth.

A growl came from its chest as it ran at me again, and when I swung this time I missed. The wolf’s teeth latched on to my arm, and I cried out, hammering down on its nose with my closed fist. It pulled back its lips and bit down harder.

I gritted my teeth as I stretched to reach my sword, which had fallen from my hand, my fingertips barely brushing against the hilt. The wolf bit down harder, and I heard a bone snap.

A gurgled scream escaped me, and I heard another set of paws coming towards me. The wolf loosened its grip for a split second as it drew back to bite down again, and I seized the moment to pull away just far enough to grip my weapon. I plunged it into the back of the wolf's skull, and its black eyes rolled back in its head almost instantly.

I rolled over to watch the other wolf advancing in a run, its belly low to the ground. Its yellow eyes shone, teeth bared as it snarled at me. I struggled to my feet, and gripped my weapon, groaning as my left arm protested. The bone was definitely broken, and blood ran from my armor, thick and bright red.

Balance your weapon. I remembered what Rook had said to me that day. I knew my sword. I adjusted my grip on the hilt with my right hand, bringing my hand as close to the blade as I comfortably could.

The wolf continued its slow advance, ears pinned back as it scented my blood.

“Come on, then,” I said, clutching my broken arm to my side. “Come and get me.”

The wolf snarled, spittle dripping from its lips.

“Come on!” I raised my sword, slowly at first, feeling its weight settle in my hand.

The wolf howled, then with a growl shot through the trees directly at me. I heaved my sword towards it, and felt a sudden stop as the blade landed in the animal’s gut.

It panted sickeningly, and slumped to the ground, its limbs twitching as it died. I backed away, into a tree and tried to catch my breath. I had no time to celebrate the fact I’d managed to wield Arankos one-handed. There’d be time for that later.

It was hard to see the sky as the canopy closed in, but I pushed myself off the tree and moved forwards. I had to find her, she had to be here somewhere. I spied a tree with a swollen trunk. That looked like a good hiding place. My eyes scanned left and right as I advanced on it, straining to hear any sign of any more wolves.

“Nesryn?” I whispered as I reached the tree. “Nesryn, are you here?”

Fingertips emerged around the edge of the trunk’s opening, and a terrified face appeared. Oh thank the Gods, she was alright. Nesryn clambered out when she saw me, and huddled close to me.

“There are wolves,” she said quietly.

“I know, sweetheart,” I replied. “Stay close to me, we’ll get you out of here.”

I turned, and Nesryn put a hand on my shoulder, staying close to my back as we began to move out of the darkness of the forest. She flinched as we heard another wolf howling, not too far away.

“It’s alright,” I said, glancing over my shoulder at her.

A wolf was advancing right behind us.

With my broken arm, I grabbed Nesryn and pushed her out of the way at the same time that the wolf leapt at us. I swung Arankos, missing the wolf completely. Pain sent white stars floating through my vision, and the weight of my sword falling jerked me forward.

Nesryn screamed as the wolf turned tail and began to lunge at her. I stumbled after it, hoisting the sword into an arc, swinging it down into the wolf’s back. It threw its head back as it yelped, and Nesryn clawed away from it along the mossy forest floor.

The wolf snapped wildly, trying to catch the sword that was stuck in its back. I tried to pull the blade free, but I kept losing my grip as the wolf writhed under me.

Instead, I pushed down with my full weight, pain tearing through my broken arm. The wolf spluttered and howled, and I heaved with my whole body, twisting the blade until I heard the loud snap of the animal’s spine.

The wolf fell sideways as a long breath left its body, taking me with it. We crashed to the ground, and I gasped. My vision was going gray as I tried to pull myself out from underneath the wolf’s deadweight. Nesryn crawled towards me, shaking violently.
