Page 142 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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She quickly shook her head, gesturing to a servant for wine. “It’s not your fault.” Her gaze became lethal as it wandered across the room, in Theron’s direction. She snatched the proffered goblet of wine from the servant without looking at him and took a large gulp. “Gods I hate him. I hate these games he’s playing with us.”

I thought for a moment of telling her about Regan, but decided against it. She’d suffered enough, she didn’t need her hopes dashed yet again when Regan turned out to be nothing more than Theron’s snake in the grass.

Her gaze moved back to my face when I didn’t respond, and her brow furrowed as her eyes settled on my lips.

“He hasn’t been…” She trailed off, and shook her head. “He hasn’t come to see me.”

My stomach churned, and her hand burned in mine as I held her tighter. “Good.”

A cynical laugh broke from her. “Though tonight that might change. Once he’s had his fill of wine, who knows -“

I tugged on her hand and pulled her through the open doors out onto the balcony. No one tried to stop us, I doubted anyone had even seen us. Elara didn’t resist, following me out and pushing me against the wall as soon as we were out of sight. I crushed her mouth under mine, my fingers threading through those soft golden curls, groaning as she pressed herself against me.

“Someone will see us in a moment,” she murmured, her voice wavering. “They’ll come and tear me away from you. They’ll lock you up again.”

“Let them try.” I kissed her again, feeling her melt into my arms, into that space that had been made for her. Her ribs quivered against my arms as she began to cry softly. “Don’t cry, love.” I smiled down at her, holding her closer.

Her eyes closed, and she pulled me down so my forehead rested against hers. “I can’t do this,” she murmured. “I can’t live like this. I-I…” She trailed off as she sobbed, and buried her face against me. “I can’t sleep, because I’m afraid that if I wake up, he’ll be in my bed, and…”

Rage boiled up inside me. Rage and helplessness along with the unrelenting desire to choke the life from Theron.

“I wanted to throw myself off the tower last night,” Elara went on, and my stomach dropped. I clutched her close, as the images from my nightmares, of her hanging from her tower, swam before my eyes.

“No, no, my love, don’t think like that.” Such useless words to say to her. I held her chin gently, so she was looking into my eyes, and smiled. “You must live, remember? If I must live for you then you must live for me.”

“Rook…” Her face crumpled.

“There is only hope so long as this is beating.” I splayed my hand over her heart, feeling it pound against my palm. “As long as there is life, and breath, there is hope. I swore to you I’d get you out of here, and I will.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“We should go back,” she said quietly, regret edging her words. “They’ll notice we’re gone.”

“I love you,” I said.

Her blue eyes fixed on me, and as she opened her mouth the bark of a guard made her jump.

“Ey!” He stormed towards us, and Elara clutched on to me with trembling hands. “What do you think you’re doing?”

I pushed Elara behind me and held up a hand. “The King asked me to look after his bride, and she was overwhelmed.” I gave him an amicable smile. “You know how delicate the Fae are, she needed some air.”

The guard stopped short, my amiability catching him off guard. He leaned on his spear, peering around me at Elara. I was ready to strike, to beat another one of these bastards to a pulp if they so much as sneered at her. But then he pushed his helmet back from his brow and laughed.

“Oh the females,” he said, giving me a knowing look. “Lucky they have us around to look after ‘em, ey?”

I laughed and nodded, reaching behind me to take Elara’s hand. “Indeed.”

The guard walked off with a nod, and I turned around to see a tiny smile ghost over Elara’s lips. “Delicate Fae, hmm?”

I smiled and planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. “So delicate. So fragile.”

“But a great ass, right?” She lifted an eyebrow.

A low growl rumbled in my throat. “Talk about your ass any more and I’ll risk death to drag you down into that garden and fuck you senseless.”

Her eyes flamed with alarm and desire, and then the smile dropped. “Don’t do that.” She sighed, wrapping her hand around my arm. “Take me back inside, Theron will be looking for us.”

“My love-”

“I’m sorry,” she said, gazing up at me. “I can’t bear this.”
