Page 143 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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We walked back into the hall, Theron’s gaze landing on us almost immediately. His lips curled into that cruel grin again, and my skin crawled. He would bait us endlessly. He was enjoying this new form of torture. My hand tightened over Elara’s as I thought of him, crawling into her bed, drunk and….

“Rook.” Elara’s voice brought me back into the room. She was looking down at my hands, where shadows swirled from my fingertips. Her eyes moved up to mine, and she shook her head. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

I was about to tell her that it didn’t hurt at all, but Theron approached us, and I pulled the shadows in before he saw them.

“Dear one,” he said, extending a hand to Elara, who hesitated for a moment before she stepped away from me, the heat of her hand lingering on my skin. Theron lifted Elara’s hand to his lips, and again I felt the cool vapor of the shadows whispering from my fingertips. “Come.” Theron tucked Elara’s hand under his arm. “It is time to announce our engagement.”

I watched them walk to the thrones, the Bond pulling me along uselessly, leaving me standing as close as I could without Theron noticing my presence. I kept my eyes fixed on her, watching her face become passive, the light and laughter leaving her eyes. Barely a few minutes ago she’d looked at me with passion, and now she was merely a shell.

It was like watching her go into the Pit all over again. All I could do was sit by and watch. I tried to control my rage - she didn’t need to feel that as well. This was my burden to bear. My eyes flickered to Regan, who was standing near the thrones, conversing with one of the High Council members. I still wondered what sign I was meant to be looking for, when it would come. How fast could I run with her?

I couldn’t fly. I hadn’t used my wings, much less shifted into my other form, for over 5 years now. I wondered if I’d still be able to, if I’d still know how to extend those leathery, taloned wings and take off into the sky. Since that wasn’t possible, what did Regan expect me to do? They’d catch us if we were on foot, they’d catch us on horseback. Elara could - my breath caught in my throat as the thought occurred to me.

Elara could outrun them on her own. I’d be what slowed her down.

As though sensing my thoughts, Regan’s eyes met mine. The tiniest shake of his head answered me. Alright. Not today then. I thought of Elara spending another night in her bed, afraid to sleep. That thought alone made me determined that when the time came, she’d have the head start she needed. I’d give her as much time as I could.

Then she’d be free.

Theron raised his arms, and the room quickly fell silent.

“Good people of Veles, I am pleased to have you all gathered here tonight to bear witness to a joyous occasion,” he began, and the courtiers broke into excited whispers. Theron turned to look down at Elara. “The princess of Peyrus has agreed to be my wife.”

The courtiers broke into applause, and Theron offered Elara his hand. She took it without looking at him, standing beside him, her eyes still vacant. Theron put an arm around her waist and drew her close, placing a kiss on her cheek. The room exploded with happy sighs and a chorus ofAwwws. I took three steps closer to the dais out of nothing but instinct, then stopped myself.

Theron smiled indulgently at Elara, who continued to refuse to meet his eyes, staring at something just over his shoulder. “Dearest one, you have made me the happiest man in the realm.” His eyes flickered towards me for a moment, the corner of his mouth lifting in a satisfied smirk. “Now, we must plan the ceremony! You will be such a beautiful bride.”

Elara said nothing, her head dropping a little.

Theron gestured to me then, and I stepped forward. “Rook, I do wonder if you’d volunteer to give the bride away?” His suggestion was met with disdainful sniggers from the courtiers. Elara’s shoulder slumped further, and it was as though I could see the life draining out of her, pooling on the floor around her.

I wanted to tear Theron’s fucking head off. “Surely that is a duty that should be assigned to her parents?” I said, trying to stop rage coloring my voice.

“They are in Fiachra,” Elara said flatly. “That is not so far that they cannot be here to witness… this.”

Theron took Elara’s hand and sucked on his teeth. “Oh dear, of course, you don’t know yet, do you? I am sorry to spoil the evening.”

My shoulders tensed as Elara slowly looked up at Theron.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

Theron sighed. “Well, you see, your parents, they were taking an alternative route to Fiachra. The mountain passes are thick with snow at this time of year.”

Lies, fucking lies. It was summer. My heart began to pound in my chest as Elara’s panic rose.

“What alternative route?” She asked, her voice wavering. “Where are they?”

“They went via the Wastes,” Theron said, his gaze theatrically mournful. “It is such a harsh place, such an unforgiving landscape.” He shook his head. “Who could have foreseen that such a tragedy would befall them.”

“What happened?” Elara grabbed on to the collar of his jacket. “Where are they?”

“I am so sorry, dear one.” Theron’s words did not match the icy look he gave her. “I am told your mother succumbed quickly. Your father followed soon after. Lost to the sands.”

Elara’s scream sent the room into shocked silence. She stumbled back from Theron, hands outstretched at first, before she began to claw at her head, screaming, screaming. Theron clasped his hands behind his back, watching her rage and cry with a look of deep satisfaction.

I rushed towards her, and she collapsed against me. Her head hung limply, and I realized she’d fainted. I scooped her up in my arms, the courtiers all covering their mouths in shock, eyes darting around the room.

Theron met my eyes with a smile. “Such a delicate creature, is she not?”
