Page 150 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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Her cries followed me as I darted through the air, the dragon’s roar right at my heels as I tried to rise higher into the sky. Her screams echoed in my head as the dragon sent a flame after me. Her hopeless sobs filled my ears as the flames caught my wing again, the smell of burning flesh filling the air.

“You cannot run from me, demon.” The dragon’s deep laugh rumbled through the air. “You are weak. You cannot outfly me, or outrun me.”

“That's what you think.”

He was right of course. My wings were damaged. I was barely able to maintain any sort of altitude. And the pain in my head got worse. But I was buying her time.

Run, my love. Run. RUN.

The dragon's laugh rumbled again. “They already have her, cousin. You are such a fool.”

Elara’s screams echoed in my head as the dragon’s flames lay waste to my wings. I hit the ground, and was aware of nothing after that.



The splash of cold water in my face woke me.

I started up, but my arms were stopped short by chains. I blinked away the water that clung to my lashes, and looked up into Theron’s smirking face.

“Good morning,” he said brightly. “How are we feeling?”

“Where is Elara?”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Oh don’t worry about her.” He ran his tongue along his teeth and shrugged. “A shame your little plan didn’t work. That Regan.” He waggled a finger in the air. “Sneaky. Very sneaky. If it hadn’t been so incredibly obvious I would have been impressed.”

I exhaled heavily, the cuffs biting into my wrists as I flexed my hands into fists. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The ruse is up.” He clasped his hands behind his back, his wings rustling as he stretched them. “No need to pretend. Regan’s head is already on a spike on the palace walls. I will say, you made it further than I expected, well done. But your wings were no match for my new dragon. He is rather impressive isn’t he?”

“Where is Elara?”

“Worry about where you are, my friend.” He gestured vaguely around us. “You’re right back where you started. Remember this place?”

I didn’t need to look around to know where I was. I remembered the feeling of the rough sandstone at my back, the iron chains around my hands and arms. The smell of the moat only a few feet below the exterior wall.

I was back in my torture chamber, where they’d left me to listen to my infant son scream for days.

I strained forward, aching to tear Theron’s throat out. “Fuck you. Where is she?”

“Would you like to see her?” Theron sneered at me, dropping into a crouch so we were face to face. “Shall I bring her to you?”


“And then what?” His eyes were flaming with predatory delight. “What happened last time you were here? Oh yes, you had to listen to your son wailing, just out of reach.” He bared his teeth in a sickly grin. “What shall I do when I bring Elara here? What sounds of terror should I subject you to? Hmmm?”

My stomach dropped. “You touch her and I’ll -”

“You’ll what?” He cocked an eyebrow. “What, Rook? You’ll break your arms again, crack your ribs? Lie here, a bruised and mangled mess, while your body heals and I fuck your Mate right over there?” He pointed deliberately to the open cell door. “Is that what you’ll do?” He leaned closer, a calculated move, knowing exactly what range I had in these chains. “Tell me, Rook? What does she enjoy?”

My rage was so consuming I couldn’t speak. I could barely breathe.

“Oh go on.” Theron’s voice dropped low. “As an old friend. What does she like in bed?” He bit his lip, sniggering. “Does she enjoy having that sweet cunt eaten? Does she like fucking your hand? Does she like to ride your cock? Oh, wait!” He raised his eyebrows. “Has she let you claim that perfect ass of hers?”

I roared as I strained against the iron holding me back. “I’m going to fucking end you!”

Theron’s eyes lit up. “Oh so you’d not hadthatyet.” He stroked his chin. “I have, though. And let me tell you, it was incredible.” He chuckled. “They feel so different when they come with your cock in their ass, don’t they?”
