Page 156 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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“Rook!” Elara’s scream was swallowed by thunder as it crashed directly over us.

“Run!” I twisted my head so I could see her face. One last time. “RUN. GO. NOW.”

She shook her head.

GO. I love you. Please, GO.

Caedmon’s talon sliced through my leathers, and my fingers clawed into the sand as the skin on my back opened up. Caedmon laughed.

“Ready to die, you fucking decrepit piece of shit?” Caedmon cackled maniacally, a sound infinitely more menacing in his dragon form.

I clenched my eyes shut, and took my last breath.

Caedmon’s roar was a mix of human and animal, and he thrashed wildly, yanking his talon from my thigh. I threw myself onto my back, looking up at the dragon that was howling in pain above me. My gaze snapped over to Elara.

Two bloody hands were wrapped around the hilt of my ax, which now lay in the middle of Caedmon’s tail. Her eyes were on fire, lit with a lethal blue flame. Blood was splattered across her face, her shoulders heaving.

I looked back up at Caedmon, whose snout flailed in the air, before turning to look at the source of his pain. He bared his teeth, and a growl rumbled in his chest.

“Fucking bitch,” he hissed.

“ELARA, RUN!” I rose to my feet, only to be caught by Caedmon’s hind leg, sending me sprawling into the sand. Pain ricocheted through my body as I landed, but I gritted my teeth and pushed myself up, tumbling back to the ground as blood poured from my thigh.

Caedmon was advancing on Elara with alarming speed.

“ELARA! GO, NOW!” I couldn’t reach her in time. I was too slow.

But she wasn’t running. Instead, I saw her steel herself, lifting that fucking enormous ax, that weighed as much as she did, and with a loud cry she launched herself right at Caedmon’s open mouth.

I didn't feel any pain as I pushed myself back up off the ground and sprinted towards them. Elara moved through the air, surprising Caedmon, who reared back for a moment. The ax landed in Caedmon’s eye, and Elara lunged, shoving it in even further, as she hung off the side of Caedmon’s head. He howled, trying without success to shake her off. Elara held firm, just as she had with the giant. Caedmon howled again, and he swatted at his face with his heavy black talons.

He fell sideways, and Elara let go of the ax, dropping to the ground. Caedmon shifted and writhed, his guttural wails becoming fainter as he moved further along the Pit. He heaved himself over a dune, and amidst a shower of sand and flames, he went still.

I reached Elara’s side, where she had landed face down. I rolled her over in my arms, brushing away the sand that was sticking to blood and sweat on her face.

“My love, I’m here, I’m here.”

“Rook,” she said, with a small smile. “Did I kill him?”

“I think you did. My crazy, fierce little Fae.” I laughed. “You never listen to me, do you?”

“I’m sorry, Rook.” She winced. “I’m sorry.”

I frowned, shaking my head. “What for?”

She looked down, to where her hands were clutching her stomach. I followed her gaze, and when she moved her hands, I was sure my heart stopped.

“His talon,” she said weakly. “It - when he - when he tried to get me off him, he…” She broke off, her breathing shuddering. The hole in her stomach was enormous, pouring blood. He’d torn her open. There was no chance she’d be able to heal fast enough.

Disbelief tore through me as I looked back into her face. “My love, what have you done? What have you done?”

“I’m sorry.” Her face crumpled, her lip trembling. “I don’t want to leave you.”

“No, no, you’re not going to die.” I shook my head, trying to smile. “You’re going to be fine. You’re not leaving me. I won’t let you.”

“I love you.”

Her words sucked the air right out of my lungs. Not now, not here. Not like this. “Elara, please, you can’t leave me.”

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