Page 50 of Unbroken

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Toth brushed his lips over her forehead. “Go to sleep,” he said softly.

With that, her body relaxed more. Her heart rate finally lowered to a normal pace and her nervous system matched the calm of his.

Sleep enclosed her like Toth’s embrace.


Toth squinted atthe clock on the nightstand—4:58 a.m. Savannah’s soft, steady breath tickled his collarbone. Her face rested on his chest. Easing back a fraction, he took in her slumbering form.

Her eyelashes sat on her cheeks, her lips were full and pink, and her hair mussed, even though he guessed she hadn’t moved from his side. It’d been a long time since he held a woman all night. Hell, he couldn’t even remember when he’d last spent more than a couple of hours in bed with someone, let alone snuggled without the intention of having sex.

Hearing her story last night and holding her in his arms had undone him. A deep tenderness had surrounded his heart, damn near touching his soul and staying with him all night.

He wanted to hold her and never let her go. Erase every ounce of pain she still carried.

Realization hit him. Holy Christ. He’d never slept with a woman without sex being involved. Sure, he and Savannah had done the dirty earlier, but the fact remained that he’d been in bed with her the entire night, both of them half fucking naked, and he hadn’t gotten between her legs. His empty stomach roiled as more angst piled on top of him.

He’d have stayed with her even if he hadn’t gotten in her pants right before. That was the bitch of it.

So? What’s it mean, anyway? Absolutely nothing.

He swallowed and slipped from the bed, his bare feet touching the cool hardwood floors. The temperature must have dropped overnight. He made a mental note to turn up the heat a bit when he got downstairs.


His phone vibrated on the nightstand. Snatching it, he silenced the noise without looking at the screen and tiptoed toward the stairs. Savannah needed sleep after the previous night. When he reached the main floor, he glanced at the number. Nash. If he was calling this early it must be important.

He swiped to answer. “Hello?” He kept his voice low as he made his way to the kitchen.

“Hey, it’s me.”

“Thanks for calling. I’ve got—”

“Sorry,” Nash interjected. “Lexi’s in labor. Contractions started last night and I couldn’t do any more digging.”

Toth pinched the bridge of his nose. Shit. “Uh, congrats. I hope things go well.”

Hell, he’d never talked to anyone in the middle of having a baby. Surely there was something better to say. His gut spun into a ball of nerves. He had no reason to feel concern for people he didn’t know, but so help him, he couldn’t seem to outgrow the little boy inside him who just wanted a brother. “You should probably be with her.”

“She’s with her doula right now. I stepped out of the room for a quick bite and to hydrate. Thought I’d let you know that I have to bail.”

“S’okay. I appreciate you telling me.” He cleared his throat. “And really, I’m happy for you.”

Nash chuckled. “Thanks.”

Although he’d met Nash only once, part of him felt connected enough to his long-lost sibling to sense some nervousness.

“Look, I feel bad about not being able to help. I called Cole—he’s going to be in touch. Hope that’s okay.”

Toth reared back his head as he scooped coffee grounds into the machine. “You sure that’s a good idea? Pretty sure he’d kill me himself if he could.”

“He could,” Nash said, without missing a beat. “That’s how I know he’s got a soft spot for ya. Otherwise, you’d be six feet under just for knowing he’s alive.” His upbeat tone didn’t match the meaning of his words.

“Um, thanks?”

Nash chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Just don’t piss him off. He’ll help. It’s in his nature. Besides, he won’t want to make Lexi mad.”

A smile pulled up Toth’s lips. As dysfunctional as they all were, at least his brothers had each other. And their wives. Must be nice not to be so lonely. He glanced toward the stairs. For once, he couldn’t say he was entirely alone.

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