Page 16 of Unwrapped

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The one that I assume is Dick glares at me. “None of your damn business and you’re interrupting her wedding day.”

For a half a second those words tear at my soul, almost ripping my still-beating heart out of my chest. The heart that only beats for her.

I growl and pace even closer. “You two fucking idiots can’t be serious. She’s not marrying this piece of shit.”

The older man pales and steps back. He looks like a stiff breeze could blow him over. Call me a breeze then. I’ll gladly take his scrawny ass out.

I step right up to the two of them and grab the fucking gun right out of Dick’s twitchy hand. “You know,Dick, if you’re gonna point a gun at somebody you better be prepared to use it. Because I sure as fuck am,” I grunt. “Now get my girl out here before I tear this fucking place apart…” I eye them both with a deadly gleam in my eyes. “Starting with you two.”

Two pairs of eyes dart over to the closed door in the corner and I grin. “Perfect. Now we’re gonna have a little chat, assholes.” I wave the gun at the couch and both of them sit lightly, keeping their eyes locked on the gun that doesn’t even waver in my steady hand.

I wait until they’re situated and then I growl, “I’m not sure why you two are so insistent that you’re gonna marry Addie off, but the only man she’s marrying is me. So if you two don’t want to cross me, I suggest you find this asshole,” I wave the gun at the older man and both men pale, stiffening, “a new bride.”

Dick pulls his paunch in and eyes me like he’s got some kind of options here. He doesn’t.

“I’m her guardian so if I say Addie is going to marry Harrison, she’s going to marry him.”

I throw my head back, laughing so hard I feel tears in my eyes. “She’s nineteen,Dick. She doesn’t need a guardian anymore. So you can take that fucking idea and stick it right up your ass. I know some damn good attorneys at my club and they’ll be happy to tell you just how fucking wrong you are.”

“She owes me,” he hisses and all the good humor drains right out of me.

“She doesn’t owe you shit,” I hiss at him, shoving the gun right in his smarmy little face. “She was a child and you married her mother. You took on the responsibility of their care. And from what I’ve seen, you probably did a shitty job of it too. She doesn’t owe you a damn thing. A real man loves and protects his children, wanting the best for them. Even if they’re not his own flesh and blood. So obviously you’re not a real man. I am however. And Addie is mine. I protect what’s mine, assholes. You took her from me and I don’t take shit like that lightly.”

The door slams open and half a dozen bikers from the club pace inside after it bounces off the wall. Every single one of them is focused on two things in that room. And both men pale and shrink back.

I smile. “What took you guys so long?”

Zero and Teach smirk. “We had to round up a couple of friends. Weren’t sure we’d need help or not,” Teach snarls.

Zero grunts, “I guess not.” They all eye the two little men silently and then both men leap to their feet and try to make a run for it, scattering like the rats they are.

I get my hands on Dick and slam him into the floor, headfirst, kneeling over his groaning form. “Stay down,Dick, or I’m gonna fuck you up so bad you’ll be eating Christmas dinner through a straw.”

Zero gets ahold of the other man and I hear a high-pitched shriek, looking over to find him dangling in the air, his arms pinwheeling madly.

I laugh loudly. And that’s when the bathroom door opens and Addie steps into the room, her eyes widening, her pretty lips falling open. “What the hell is going on in here?”

“Merry Christmas, baby girl. Daddy’s home.”

* * *

I tuck Addie into bed as soon as we get her all washed up in the shower. Her eyes are droopy and tired but for the first time since I met her, she looks at peace and happy.

“Are you alright, really? I can still have one of the club doctors come and check you out.”

She grins. “How many doctors does a motorcycle club need?”

I shake my head at her and grunt. “They’re part of our group, smart ass. Mostly former medics that were looking for something after their military service ended and they found Christmas Falls. Just like I did.” My hand reaches out and runs slowly, gently down her cheek and she turns her cheek into my hand, kissing my palm, making me suck in a sharp breath. My dick jerks and I use the other hand to push his sorry self down.

She needs rest, fucker.

Her clear blue eyes are hazy with pain and so damn tired that they’re drooping more and more each second.

“I was so sure that you’d be mad at me, Petrol. That you wouldn’t find me and you’d forget all about me.”

Her words hurt me but I know she’s just telling me the truth. “Yeah, I am pretty pissed that you went downstairs in just a t-shirt and we’re gonna talk about that…later. But I would never forget you, Addie. Baby girl, you are mine. For good. As soon as you’re better, we’re getting married. And then you’ll be mine for good. For life. My old lady.” I pause and draw in a shaky breath, still stunned at how close I came to losing her. And now she’s here. And mine. “No more running, baby girl. This is your home now. I’m your home and you’re mine.”

Her eyes close but there’s a smile on her face and my heart soars when she says, “I love you, Petrol. I want to be your old lady more than anything in the world.”

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