Page 7 of Unwrapped

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Teach’s brows just about hit his hairline. “Who pissed in his cheerios?”

I bark out a laugh. “I don’t know. I thought he was just born that way.”

He snorts and then moves closer, his dark eyes searching. “Are you okay? You look a little pale.”

“I’m good. Just a little tired today, that’s all.”

He nods. “Make sure you get some sleep tonight. By the way, do you think you can go over to the diner and grab us all a bite to eat?”

Standing up, I push back from the desk, grabbing my coat. It’s colder than hell today. There’s ice sparkling on all the tree branches around town and the forecast is for at least a foot of snow tonight. I gotta admit. I’m a little excited. Florida doesn’t get snow so I’ve never seen it before. It sounds magical. I’m actually thinking about hanging around here for Christmas so that I can have a traditional holiday this year. Nothing else about my life has been normal this year and I’d like this year to remember if I….

Pushing that thought down, I stop next to Teach in the doorway. The man is huge and his lip quirks as he stares down at me. “You just seem to be getting shorter, I swear.”

“What do you want to eat? And if you make a short joke…I swear you won’t get food, Teach.”

He holds up his hands and backs away, letting me out of the doorway. “Hey, no disrespect, kiddo. You’re just a tiny little thing.” He hands me a list. “Make sure you get yourself something and charge it to Petrol’s account.” I’m shaking my head before he finishes. I’m making my own money. I don’t need handouts. “He settles up at the end of the month. Don’t worry about it.”

I huff and saunter out the door, glaring at him. I have an uneasy feeling he’s lying to me but he’s got a poker face that would have him cleaning up in Vegas.

The air is crisp and my breath puffs out in front of me. I’ve gotten used to the occasional glare from some of the older people in town and ignore them. Younger people tend to be more accepting of the MC. Most of them anyway.

I spot the tattoo shop across the way and smirk at some of the club members hanging out in the doorway. I recognize a few of the guys now. They’ve come in to talk to Petrol now and then.

Peacemaker is across the street with a tiny little woman and her little girl and my heart squeezes in my chest. They look like a family out for a stroll. He grins at something the little girl says and it’s clear he’s wrapped around her finger.

I wish I remembered my own dad. He died when I was about two in a car crash on Christmas Eve. My mom kinda shrunk into herself, leaning into her own misery and forgetting I even existed. And Christmas? That was just another day. No presents, no tree, no Santa or lights to stare up at in wonder.

Just another damn day.

I turn away from the little family, my heart in my throat, tears crowding my eyes.

It doesn’t matter. None of it matters. The only thing that really matters is resting up a bit and forgetting. The rest of it is just stupid wishful thinking that somebody will love me. My prince will come along and carry me off on his shining Harley, protecting me and slaying all my dragons.

Right. In real life, the prince is just another guy and he’s looking for the gorgeous princess. Not some girl with daddy issues that has massive problems that could come knocking on his front door at any time.

No man wants that.



Addie’s planted at the open garage bay, her head tilted way back, her golden hair shining in the last of the sunlight. She looks like some fragile little princess.

That girl’s got some balls though. She’s tough. The other day one of my customers started throwing a shit fit about a bill and she stood up, putting her hands on the hips that are starting to fill out into a gloriously sexy curve and she let him have it.

I couldn’t believe it and neither could he. Fucker was probably as hard as I was and I slammed my way in there to yank his sorry ass out of the office before he asked her out.

Nobody is taking her anywhere but me. Even Teach and Zero who are terrible at grasping the smallest of things know that they don’t fuck with her if they don’t want me on their ass.

I can’t stop myself from shambling closer to her, drawn to all that beauty, the wonder that is her.

She doesn’t turn but I see her shoulders tense a little.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She says, her sweet voice so soft. Like she’s afraid to break the spell that we’re both under.

The holidays are a special time of year. That’s part of what the club does. One of the guys even plays Santa at the children’s wing of the hospital every year. Last year it was Teach. Hard to believe the big man could be so gentle with kids but he actually loves them. It hurts him but he does.

His wife took off years ago with both of his kids and just disappeared. He hasn’t seen his boys for five years. I think every day must be another day in hell for him.
